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Victory Screen
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Rank Up (Network) | You mean my rank increased...? Well, that's cause for celebration! | |
段位が上がったのかい? こいつはめでたいねぇ! | ||
Strenuous effort... is required to master the path of martial arts. Let's keep this up! | ||
自彊不息… 「武」を極めんとするならば、たゆまぬ努力が大事だぜ! 頑張ろうな! |
Mmm... exquisite! I've got a feeling you and I could stand on the ultimate stage! | ||
う~ん誠に重畳! おめぇさんとなら、本当に最高の舞台を披露できそうだぜ、相棒! |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge | Don't tell me that's all you've got...? Show me more... everything! I want to see your dance at its best form! | |
それで終いってわけじゃねぇだろ? もっと俺に魅せてくれよ……限界を超えたお前さんの舞を! |
Vs. Jin Kisaragi | A performance using ice? It's beautiful... But frankly, I want to see your true dance. | |
氷を使った演出か、美しいねぇ。 でも俺はお前さんの、本気の舞が観てみたいんだがね。 |
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 1/2) | Join me... I could turn you into the best leading female role on an all-male stage... Wait a sec. Oh, you ARE a woman. Haha, excuse me. | |
俺と一緒に来てみねぇか? お前さんなら最高の女形に…… って、しまった女の子なんだっけか? ああ、悪ぃ悪ぃ! |
Vs. Noel Vermillion (Act 3) | Don't rush... I suggest you think long and hard about what it is you really want. | |
そう焦んなさんな。 己が何を求めているのか……今一度、よ~く考えておくことだね。 |
Vs. Rachel Alucard | You've crossed a line you shouldn't have. If you don't want to just disappear, then... I suggest you sit on the sidelines and stop meddling. | |
越えちゃいけねぇ線、跨いじまったね。 そのまま消えたくなけりゃあ大人しくしてるこった。 |
Vs. Taokaka | That dynamic movement, I love your style! What do you say...? Come. Join me in our troupe. | |
そのメリハリのある動き……お前さん筋がいいねぇ! どうだい? ウチの一座に来てみねぇか? |
Vs. Iron Tager | You're too stiff! We need to work on that body of yours before we can even talk about dancing. Back to basics! | |
かたいかたい! 舞う以前に体がなっちゃいないねぇ! 股割りからやり直しだ! |
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling | I've got a feeling those are going to get in the way, missy... of what would otherwise be a beautiful dance. | |
そのでっけぇのはちょいと主張が過ぎるねぇ~。 舞の興を削いじまうよ。 |
Vs. Arakune | What's with that form of yours!? I'd say it's really no form at all! | |
何だい何だいそのナリは! 型もクソもあったもんじゃない! | ||
Vs. Bang Shishigami | Too sweaty. Too loud. Too... sweaty. There's a term you should learn: "wabi-sabi." | |
ムサい五月蠅い暑苦しい! ちったぁ『わびさび』を学びやがれってんだ! |
Vs. Carl Clover | You know, I'm completely in love with your dance, right lil' Carl? Ahh... if only you'd show me what's behind that shell of yours. | |
俺は本当に、お前さんの舞に惚れ込んでたんだぜ? ああ……またカルル君の本当の舞が観てみたいもんだ。 |
Vs. Hakumen | Why don't you take that mask off? An important part of acting is all in the face. | |
アンタもいい加減、その仮面を取ったらどうだい? 表情で魅せるのも、役者に大事な事だよ。 |
Vs. Nu-13 | What a tragic dance... Sure, it tugs my strings, but I'd rather not accept it as a performance... | |
傷ましい舞だ…… 心に来るものはあれど、俺はそれを芸とは認めたくないねぇ……。 |
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi | You're taking things waaaay too seriously, dear. You need to loosen up before your whole body becomes stiff. | |
如何せん真面目すぎるねぇ。 もっと余裕を持たねぇと、全身まで強張っちまうぜ? |
Vs. Hazama | Now that was a bizarre dance indeed... it's so dangerous, I can't bear witness. | |
コイツはまた奇妙な舞だ。危なっかしくて観てられないよ。 | ||
Vs. Mu-12 | Don't overextend yourself. The role of Godslayer was probably too much for you to bear. | |
無理はしなさんな。 『神殺し』なんて、アンタにゃちと重すぎる配役だ。 |
Vs. Makoto Nanaya | Looks like you've found your niche, but... those ears, tail and breasts. It'll be hard for me to find a suitable role. | |
体は出来上がっているようだけど…… その耳に尻尾に胸……う~む配役に迷う素材だねぇ。 |
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing | Your master's had enough fun for one lifetime, don't you agree? I think your babysitting needs a little bit of work. | |
お前さんのご主人、ちとお戯れが過ぎるんじゃないかい? しっかり子守りするこったね。 |
Vs. Platinum the Trinity | I've got no complaints on the outside, but you've got some issues on the inside, missy. It's really fuzzy and unstable. Really couldn't put you up on the stage. | |
外見こそ可憐だが、中身がぼんやりしてんなぁ…… 足元が定まらないヤツを舞台に上げるわけにゃいかないね。 |
Vs. Relius Clover | Tsk tsk tsk... what a waste. It's so much more rewarding if you dance yourself... rather than dancing with a puppet. | |
お前さん、勿体無いねぇ。 人形を踊らせるより、手前ぇの体で舞った方が楽しいぜ? |
Vs. Izayoi | Ahh, you're so close... the whole world accepts your potential, but you're just too forceful. It's important to loosen up at times, too. | |
勿体無いねぇ……世界にすら選ばれるその素質。 だが如何せん、強引過ぎる。力を抜くことも大切だよ。 |
Vs. Amane Nishiki | It's not everyday you see a man of this caliber... But you and I would be fighting for the same role in our troupe. Buh-bye... | |
これだけの良い男、滅多にお目にかかれるもんじゃないが……。 残念、ウチの一座には、もう俺がいるんでね。 |
Vs. Bullet | A troupe? Oh, I see... you want me to train you? I suppose it might be good to take on a pupil or three? | |
舞台? へぇ、そうかい! だったら俺が、稽古つけてやってもいいぜ? |
Vs. Azrael | You've got way too much muscle, mister... I think it's time you go on a diet before even considering the stage. | |
ちょいと邪魔な肉が多すぎるね。身体を絞って出直してきな。 | ||
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki | It's a real shame... you've got the potential to become a real star, but you just need a little more of that... pizazz. | |
惜しいねぇ……主役になれる素質はあるが、 もうちょいギラついたものがなけりゃ厳しそうだ。 |
Vs. Yuuki Terumi | If you don't have a physical form... you really can't dance, can you...? | |
実体が無いんじゃあ舞いようが無いねぇ……。 | ||
Vs. Kokonoe | Can't rely on machines to do a person's job. Not even a shred of elegance... You need to act from the heart! | |
やっぱ機械に頼ってちゃ駄目だね。風情の欠片も無ぇよ。 演出は心さね! |
Vs. Celica A. Mercury | Ahh, what a wonderful dance you've shown me! I suppose I owe that doll of yours some thanks, as well... | |
いやぁ、良い舞を観せてもらったよ! その人形さんにも感謝する事だね! |
Vs. Lambda-11 | You should listen to your heart when you dance more... That'll make it shine, I'm sure! | |
もっと思うままに舞ってみちゃどうだい? そうすりゃ、アンタの舞はもっと輝くはずさ! |
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku | You're hired! Welcome to the team... I'll see you tomorrow at sunrise! | |
はいお前さん採用! 今日からウチの一座の仲間入りだ! | ||
Vs. Naoto Kurogane | Mmm... uh-huuh. The more I look at you, the more I can see. You are quite the rare talent, my friend. | |
ほう……ほうほうほう。 いや、よく見るとこいつはなかなかの逸材だ。 |
Vs. Nine the Phantom | The nerve... destroying the stage is out of the question. I'm afraid I must have you removed. Immediately... | |
舞台をブチ壊すとは無粋極まりないねぇ…… 一人よがりな役者には退場願おうか。 |
Vs. Izanami (Act 2/3) | So, it all comes tumbling down in the end? Sorry, but I'm really not into tragic stories. | |
全部無くしちまって、大団円かい? そんなつまらねぇ幕引き、俺ぁ御免だね! |
Vs. Susano'o (Act 3) | Ahh, finally. The climax! That's your cue to leave the stage... you are only an extra, after all. | |
さあ、いよいよ大詰だ。敵役はさっさと退場しな! | ||
Vs. Es (Act 3) | I wasn't expecting you to show up here... Everything's collapsing on itself. Heh heh... guess I shouldn't be fooling around anymore. | |
まさか、お前さんまで出張ってくるとはね。 檀上はここいらが大一番……俺もうかうかしちゃいられないねぇ! |
Vs. Mai Natsume (Act 3) | Your body is a woman, but inside is... Ahh, yes I see, I see... Say, why don't you join our troupe? You won't be sorry. | |
体は女のソレだが、中身は……成程、成程。 とりあえず、ウチの一座に入ってみちゃあどうだい? |
Vs. Jubei (Act 3) | For what do you dance? A future world? To atone for your sins? That's lovely and all, but... Why don't you dance for the "present" with me? | |
お前さんは何のために舞う? 未来の世界のため? それとも、過去の贖罪のためかい? そいつも一興だが…… どうだい、俺と一緒に『今』を踊ってみるってのは。 |