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Victory Screen
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Rank Up (Network) | So, my rank has increased...? I see. | |
段位が上昇したか…なるほど。 | ||
I thought this childsplay, but... perhaps there is good reason to continue down this path. | ||
余興と思っていたが、面白い。もう少し付き合ってやろう。 | ||
It appears you have quite an amazing soul. You intrigue me... | ||
お前は素晴らしい魂の持ち主のようだ…大変興味深い。 | ||
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge (Act 1/2) | A miscalculation... I had high hopes that you would make a great test subject, man with the Azure. | |
見込み違いか…… 良い研究対象になると期待していたのだがな、蒼の男よ。 |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge (Act 3) | In the Embryo, your existence is foreign... which is why it must have some meaning. Now, let me Observe whatever that is. | |
このエンブリオにおいて、貴様の存在は異分子。 故に何かしらの意味があるはずだ。さぁ、その価値を私に観測せてみろ。 |
Vs. Jin Kisaragi | The "Power of Order." In the end, you were just a pawn of this world... | |
『秩序の力』……所詮は『世界』に飼われた狗か……。 | ||
Vs. Noel Vermillion | You do not possess the power to do anything... this is a fact that you cannot change. You are defective. From your vessel to your soul. This much, I will guarantee. | |
貴様には何かを成す力はない――これは確定事項だ。 器から魂に至るまで、その欠陥は私が保証しよう。 |
Vs. Rachel Alucard | You've got one of two choices. I dissect the fresh specimen right here... or I preserve you for long-term research. Hahaha. | |
貴様の選択肢は二つだ。この場で鮮度を保ちつつ解剖されるか、 私の研究室で防腐剤を喰らうか……好きな方を選べ。 |
Vs. Taokaka | The Kaka Clan... You're not worth much as research fodder, but... I suppose I should take a sample before you go completely extinct. | |
カカ族か。研究材料としての価値は低いが…… 絶滅する前にサンプルとして回収させてもらうぞ。 |
Vs. Iron Tager | Modifying versus creating... I need not go into the details of each to know which is better. I suggest you think hard about what you are, and come back when ready. | |
改造と創造……双方の優劣は語るべくも無い。 貴様も零から出直して来い。 |
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling | What sets one apart from others...? Why, that simply has to do with the soul you bind to a vessel. The base is all the same. If you really want, why not create one? | |
他者との違いなど、器にどんな魂を形成するかに過ぎない。 元は同一だ、欲しいのなら造ってはどうだ? |
Vs. Arakune | Your awareness of stored memories is distorted, but it appears the information continues to accumulate. This seems to me more like evolution, rather than growth... Fascinating. | |
記憶の認識は歪んでも、蓄積された情報は生きているようだな。 成長というより、これは進化に近いか……成程。 |
Vs. Bang Shishigami | Emotions are simply the result of discord between the soul and flesh. A foolish outlet, if you ask me... Frankly speaking, your display of emotions is painful to watch. | |
感情の発露とは、魂と肉体の不和を晒す愚行でしかない。 率直に言って、その直情さは見るに堪えん。 |
Vs. Carl Clover (Act 1/2) | Throw away your beliefs, and forget your theories. Your stubbornness will blind you. That is unless, you want Ada to drown in this fantasy. In which case, do proceed. | |
概念を捨て、固執を忘れろ。下らない執着は目を濁らせる。 ……エイダを幻想の夢に沈めたいのなら、構わんがな。 |
Vs. Carl Clover (Act 3) | That's right... don't hesitate. Everything but your objective is simply noise. Abandon it... Beyond the isolation lies your true desires. | |
そうだ、躊躇うな。目的以外の全てはノイズ、万事打ち棄てろ。 その孤高の果てに、お前の渇望する結果が在る。 |
Vs. Hakumen | Your flesh is your blade, and vice versa... Hmph. The way you crumble is indeed like a rusted blade. | |
その身は刃か……成程。醜く錆びつき折れる様は正に刃だな。 | ||
Vs. Nu-13 | Signs of a soul are beginning to sprout. This is quite unexpected... fascinating, but unexpected. | |
魂の萌芽が始まったようだな。 予想外ではあるが、これはこれで興味深い。 |
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi | A blind apostle to the gods... You may as well be a doll. | |
神に仕える盲目の使徒……人形と変わらんな。 | ||
Vs. Hazama (Act 1/2) | The story of how a vessel gained intentions of its own... A great theme for my next piece. | |
器が志向性を獲得したか……中々に面白いテーマだ。 今後の参考にさせてもらおう。 |
Vs. Hazama (Act 3) | Seems you are independently functioning as a vessel... I shall continue to Observe your progress. You don't mind if I open you up a little... do you? | |
器として完全に自立しているようだな…… 経過を観察させてもらおう。少々体を開くが、構わんな? |
Vs. Mu-12 | Godslayer... I suppose this is the best you can do while missing a fragment of your soul. A re-purposed defect. No surprise you would fall before me. | |
『神殺し』も、魂の一部を欠いてはこの程度か。 所詮は欠陥品の再利用だ、これで折れても不思議はない。 |
Vs. Makoto Nanaya | Your soul is quite powerful, but it's a shame I cannot say the same about your vessel... the frailty of human life. | |
魂の強度に比べ、器は随分と貧弱だな……何とも歪な命だ。 | ||
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing | You fight with too much emotion. I applaud your courage, but I doubt your body can sustain it. How about I add some... reinforcements? | |
貴様の戦い方は感情的過ぎる。 勇ましくて結構だが、老体には響くだろう。補強してやろう。 |
Vs. Platinum the Trinity | It would appear your core personality has gone... missing? The remaining two are no longer safe... Let me Observe what happens in the end. | |
核たる魂が欠落したようだな。残された二つも無事では済むまい。 その結末を観測せてもらおう。 |
Vs. Relius Clover | A copy...? Perhaps I, too, am merely a "copy" of some original... somewhere. Heh heh heh... that certainly sounds like something "I" would do. | |
複製か……私自身も、どこぞの『オリジナル』から創られた コピーなのかもしれんな。『私』ならば……フム、やりかねんな。 |
Vs. Izayoi | Justice this. Evil that... your perspective needs to be broadened. Adhere to such rudimentary ideas, and you will fail to see the truth. | |
正義だの悪だの……視野が狭いな。 そのようなラベルにばかり固執していては、万事の本質を見抜けまい。 |
Vs. Amane Nishiki | Successor to that bloodsucker? Now, I wonder how long you can pretend to be an Observer...? | |
吸血鬼の後継か。 さて、貴様は何時まで傍観者を気取れるか……。 |
Vs. Bullet | You are both mediocre in skill and soul. However... the way you carry yourself in combat so swiftly. You may make a good test subject yet. | |
技術も魂も凡庸だが……フム。 その素早い身のこなし、被検体のテストには使えそうだな。 |
Vs. Azrael | The waves in your soul and flesh are in complete harmony... And yet, you are only human. This is magnificent! | |
魂の波長と肉体の錬度が見事に融和している。 人の身でありながら、実に素晴らしい完成度だ。 |
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki (Act 1/2) | A soul that has lost its ideals is cheap indeed... You are the epitome of one such example, Black Knight. | |
理想を欠いた魂は容易く価値を失う―― 正にその典型だな、黒騎士よ。 |
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki (Act 3) | The Black Knight, Kagura Mutsuki... Your vessel and soul are both top-notch... You are worth researching. | |
黒騎士カグラ=ムツキ……。 その器、魂、共に一級品だな。これは研究のし甲斐がある。 |
Vs. Yuuki Terumi (Act 1/2) | I am insane? My my, what interesting things you say. Then tell me, what exactly is "insanity" in a world that is already distorted? | |
私が狂っている? 面白いことを言う。 狂える世界における狂気とは何だ? 教授願おう。 |
Vs. Yuuki Terumi (Act 3) | Have you had a change of heart this late in the game, Terumi...? It's not like you, hanging onto old habits. | |
成程、今更鞍替えを所望というわけか。 古巣に固執するなど、らしくないな……テルミよ。 |
Vs. Kokonoe | How fruitless, Kokonoe... Your pathetic "power" only leaves you dancing on the palm of the Observers. | |
虚しいな、ココノエ…… 力を騙る者が、無様に踊らされる様を観測るのは。 |
Vs. Celica A. Mercury | The very living key Shuichiro designed into Kushinada. Now, this IS an interesting power... | |
シュウイチロウがクシナダの楔に組み込んだ 生体エネルギーの鍵か……成程、興味深い力だ。 |
Vs. Lambda-11 (Act 1/2) | You can patch-up an inferior design as much as you want, Kokonoe... that won't change what she is. | |
粗悪品をいくら繕おうとも、その根底から劣性が消失するわけではない。 相変わらずだな、ココノエ。 |
Vs. Lambda-11 (Act 3) | To think the day would come for me to reuse this failed piece of work... But that is what makes science so fascinating... the evolution of a failure. | |
よもやこの失敗作を再利用する日が来ようとは…… だが不完全だからこその進化……興味深い。 |
Vs. Hibiki Kohaku | A lonely soul... Your power to clone is simply the mental gap to fill your void. | |
虚ろな魂だ…… 成程、その分身は精神の空白を埋めるためのものか。 |
Vs. Naoto Kurogane | You've come much closer to an immortal than before, but... There's still a lot of room for improvement. | |
少しは不死者らしくなったようだが、まだまだ錬度が足りんな。 | ||
Vs. Nine the Phantom (Act 1/2) | Quite a fascinating phenomena, if I do say so myself, Nine... I shall pick up where you left off. You can leave now. | |
中々興味深い事象だ。後の管理は私が引き継ごう。 貴様の干渉は無用だ、ナイン。 |
Vs. Nine the Phantom (Act 3) | Your magical capacity is indeed immense... but aside from that, serves little purpose. Remember... I exist to succeed where magic has failed. | |
貴様の魔力量は凄まじいが、それ自体に然程意味は無い。 魔法では不足があるからこそ、今の私があると思え。 |
Vs. Izanami (Act 2/3) | A world of death... this is the vision you saw? It is neither better nor worse than what I have predicted... which makes it truly boring. | |
死の世界……これが貴様の渇望した心象風景か。 想定以上でも以下でも無い。何とも退屈な眺めだ。 |
Vs. Susano'o (Act 3) | I'm sensing a slight discord between soul and vessel... This may get a little uncomfortable, but do allow me to make the adjustments. | |
魂と器に若干の齟齬が見られるな…… 少々荒っぽくなるが、矯正は私に任せて貰おう。 |
Vs. Es (Act 3) | A fascinating existence you are, indeed... The logic of your existence... the materials by which you are comprised. I shall leave no stone unturned. | |
これは実に興味深い存在だ。 創造理念、基本骨子、構成材質……全て余さず暴かせて貰おう。 |
Vs. Mai Natsume (Act 3) | "No Name." The quality of goods is... well, low. But there may be reason to investigate you yet... | |
『ノーネーム』……質自体は低級極まりないが、成程…… これで検証を進めるのも一つの手か。 |
Vs. Jubei (Act 3) | How pathetic. You are bound by the shackles of your past. I find few souls less interesting than one that is slave to its own atonement. | |
不様だな……貴様という存在は過去に縛られている。 贖罪に飼い慣らされた魂など サンプルにする価値も無い。 |