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Gameplay:Kagura Mutsuki BBCP Quotes

From BlazBlue Wiki
(Redirected from Kagura Mutsuki/Quotes/BBCP)


Solo Actions


Situation Quote Audio

Drives (Stance 1)

Situation Quote Audio
Dragon Blast
Dragon Blast
Dragon Blast
Dragon Blast
Dragon's Claw
Dragon's Claw
Dragon's Claw
Dragon's Claw
Dragon Slaughter
Dragon Slaughter
Dragon Slaughter
Dragon Slaughter

Drives (Stance 2)

Situation Quote Audio
Dragon Strike
Dragon Strike
Dragon Strike
Dragon Strike
Dragon's Blade
Dragon's Blade
Dragon's Blade
Dragon's Blade
Dragon's Dual Strike Dragon's Dual Strike
Dragon's Dual Strike
Dragon's Dual Strike
Dragon's Dual Strike

Drives (Stance 3)

Situation Quote Audio
Dragon's Fang
Dragon's Fang
Dragon's Fang
Dragon's Fang
Dragon's Mirage
Dragon's Mirage
Dragon's Mirage
Dragon's Mirage
Sky Dragon's Strike
Sky Dragon's Strike
Sky Dragon's Strike
Sky Dragon's Strike


Situation Quote Audio
Dragon Spirit Dragon Spirit!
Dragon Spirit
Dragon Spirit
Dragon Spirit
Dragon's Ascent Dragon's Ascent!
Dragon's Ascent
Dragon's Ascent Fafnir!
Dragon's Ascent


Situation Quote Audio
Supreme Dragon's Inferno Supreme Dragon's Inferno!
Supreme Dragon's Inferno
Supreme Dragon's Inferno
Supreme Dragon's Inferno
The Dragon Lord's Striking Fang
The Dragon Lord's Striking Fang
The Dragon Lord's Striking Fang
The Dragon Lord's Striking Fang


Situation Quote Audio
Black Dragon's Sky-Rending Blade
Black Dragon's Sky-Rending Blade
Black Dragon's Sky-Rending Blade
Black Dragon's Sky-Rending Blade

System Mechanics

Situation Quote Audio
Burst Unleashing barrier!
Throw Careful now!
Throw Whiff
Throw Whiff
Throw Whiff
Throw Whiff
Throw Break
Throw Break
Throw Break
Throw Break
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Throw Escape
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)


Situation Quote Audio
Combo (2k Damage)
Combo (2k Damage)
Combo (2k Damage)
Combo (2k Damage)
Combo (3k Damage)
Combo (3k Damage)
Combo (3k Damage)
Combo (3k Damage)
Combo (5k Damage)
Combo (5k Damage)
Combo (5k Damage)
Combo (5k Damage)
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage
Taking Damage


Situation Quote Audio
Time Up Defeat *sigh* How could I let this happen?
Time Up Defeat
Time Up Defeat
Time Up Defeat
Defeat (Relius Astral) A-At least... Let me have... The lady!
Defeat (Relius Astral)
Defeat (Amane Astral)
Defeat (Amane Astral)
Round End
Round End
Round End
Round End
Round End
Round End
Round End
Round End


Ragna the Bloodedge

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Kagura: Come on, reaper!
Ragna: I'll make you regret this!
Outro What, that's it?

Jin Kisaragi

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Kagura: Hey Jinny!
Jin: Stop calling me that!
Outro You uh, losing your edge?

Noel Vermillion

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Kagura: If I win, I get to take you to dinner!
Noel: Y-You can't just decide!
Outro How cute, you holding back for me?

Rachel Alucard

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Kagura: Please... Go easy, Madame Rachel.
Rachel: Can you keep up with my dance?
Outro You holding back?


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Aren't you hungry? How about dinner on me!

Iron Tager

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Kagura: Hey, Red Devil!
Tager: To face you, I look forward to this battle!
Outro Man, what a let down!

Litchi Faye-Ling

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Kagura: Now this... is a fine specimen!
Litchi: Uh, can I help you?
Outro I can't divert my eyes!

Bang Shishigami

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Kagura: You want a piece of this?
Bang: I'll smack that twisted will of yours back into shape!
Outro And you're tenjo's number one disciple?

Carl Clover

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Is this even... Legal? Hm.


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Kagura: So you're Hakumen, huh?
Hakumen: The Black Knight!
Outro Disappointed, for one of the six heroes!


Situation Quote Audio
Intro How touching!


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Kagura: Ah, you must be Noel's...
Lambda: Target marked as hostile.
Kagura: Wait, did you just call me a target?

Tsubaki Yayoi

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Kagura: Tsubaki.
Tsubaki: Colonel Mutsuki, I have lots of questions I want to ask you.
Outro I don't think I can leave you in Jin's care.


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Kagura: So you're Hazama.
Hazama: My oh my, Colonel Mutsuki!
Outro I'm gonna have to crush you right here!


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Do you believe in destiny?

Makoto Nanaya

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Kagura: Please just one grope!
Makoto: You, need to die!
Outro Hmhmhm, now's my chance!

Platinum the Trinity

Situation Quote Audio
Intro This isn't good!

Relius Clover

Situation Quote Audio
Intro I don't have time to entertain men!


Situation Quote Audio
Outro Not as strong as I suspected!


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Bullet: So, you're the Black Knight Kagura.
Kagura: Now that's... pretty amazing!
Outro Y'know, you're pretty cute!


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Kagura: Bring it, Mad Dog!
Azrael: I've been looking forward to the day I could consume you, Black Knight!
Outro You've met your match!

Kagura Mutsuki

Situation Quote Audio
Intro You lose in style too!

Amane Nishiki

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Not another dude!


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Kokonoe: How troublesome.
Kagura: What, you fight too?
Kokonoe: Just don't get in my way!
Kagura: *sigh*
Outro Well, guess that's that!

Celica A. Mercury

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Kagura: What do you say, Celica? Ready to forget about Ragna?
Celica: Ragna? I don't understand, but i'm not quitting!
Outro Dammit, why is he so great?

Victory Screen

Situation Quote Audio
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge You're supposed to be Ragna the Bloodedge? You hardly live up to your rumors... Play
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge Play
Vs. Jin Kisaragi Awww, little Jinny. I see you've improved a little since we last crossed swords... But you're still no match for me. Play
Vs. Jin Kisaragi Play
Vs. Noel Vermillion Hey Noel, how about we change the world... together? Play
Vs. Noel Vermillion Play
Vs. Rachel Alucard May I be your date for the night? Princess? Play
Vs. Rachel Alucard Play
Vs. Taokaka ...You, uhh, sure eat a lot. Well, as long as you're happy, sure! Play
Vs. Taokaka Play
Vs. Iron Tager Been babysitting too long? This isn't the Red Devil I remember... Play
Vs. Iron Tager Play
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling I think you're the most beautiful thing I've set eyes upon... And you're a doctor? Oh, I think I need a little... check-up. Play
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling Play
Vs. Arakune Sorry, you're just not my type. Play
Vs. Arakune Play
Vs. Bang Shishigami That oughta take care of the scruffy old man. Now... let's go have some fun ladies. What do you say? H-Hey, let go of my foot... Shishigami! Play
Vs. Bang Shishigami Play
Vs. Carl Clover I can't let appearances fool me... You've earned your status as one of the toughest vigilantes. I was worried for a second there. Play
Vs. Carl Clover Play
Vs. Hakumen Aren't you a little too stiff...? Why not loosen up a bit, huh? Relax, man. Play
Vs. Hakumen Play
Vs. ν-No.13- ...I've never met someone who was completely immune to my charms... Play
Vs. ν-No.13- Play
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi I need someone like you in the world I'm trying to create... Tsubaki, please stay by my side. Play
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi Play
Vs. Hazama I've never been real good at dealing with you people from Intelligence. Play
Vs. Hazama Play
Vs. μ-No.12- Whoa, Noel... You've become quite sexy in the little time I haven't seen you... But that's how it ought to be. Mhmm. Play
Vs. μ-No.12- Play
Vs. Makoto Nanaya Makoto, c'mon just this once, I... Eh, never mind... Seriously though, those batons you've got, they can certainly kill a man. Play
Vs. Makoto Nanaya Play
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing One of the Six Heroes, no doubt. If you were in your prime, I'm sure I wouldn't even stand a chance. Play
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing Play
Vs. Platinum the Trinity Yeah, you're just a little too... young... for me. In more ways than one. Come see me in another 10 years Play
Vs. Platinum the Trinity Play
Vs. Relius Clover So you're the infamous Colonel Relius Clover... I don't like the look on your face. Play
Vs. Relius Clover Play
Vs. Izayoi The Izayoi awakened... Color me impressed. ...and there's quite a bit more, uhh, exposure than before. No complaints from me. Play
Vs. Izayoi Play
Vs. Amane Nishiki Try to be as feminine as you want, you can't fool my eyes. Play
Vs. Amane Nishiki Play
Vs. Bullet You've got such a lovely face, I don't understand why you won't be more feminine. I could help produce you, you know? Play
Vs. Bullet Play
Vs. Azrael Damn that hurt... Never wanna cross fists with you again... Play
Vs. Azrael Play
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki Whoa, you might actually give me a run for my money. Just make sure you don't take ALL the ladies away with you, alright? Play
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki Play
Vs. Yuuki Terumi Nothing personal, but if I don't bring you back with me, Kokonoe's gonna lose her shit... Wouldn't really want that now, would we? Play
Vs. Yuuki Terumi Play
Vs. Kokonoe This is what everyone's calling the "Best"? Heh, impossible... You were holding back, right? Play
Vs. Kokonoe Play
Vs. Celica A. Mercury Man, that made me hungry... How about you and me go grab a—um, why's Minerva glaring at me? Play
Vs. Celica A. Mercury Play
Vs. λ-No.11- You're a real cutie. Why don't we...? What? Ragna? Ugh, I'm so sick of that guy. Play
Vs. λ-No.11- Play