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Solo Actions
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Pow pow pow. | ||
Have some of that! | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Armament No.2 "Broken Bunker Assault v2.21" | Broken...bunker! | |
Get go to hell! | ||
Armament No.3 "Absolute Zero v4.32" | Absolute... That's it? | |
Freeze... Weak! | ||
Armament No.4α "Flame Cage v1.43" | ||
Armament No.5 "Banishing Rays v3.10" | Shocking! | |
Armament No.6 "Planar Haze v1.24" | Teleport. | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Armament No.4β "Pyro: Flaming Belobog v2.73" | Kaboom! | |
Pyro blast! | ||
Armament No.7 "Jamming Dark v1.65" | Enjoy gravity! | |
Fall into the depths of hell! | ||
Armament No.8 “Crime of Greed v1.00” | Zero! | |
Blast! | ||
Armament No.00 "Dreadnought Destroyer" | Get over here, Tager! Break them! | |
Unleash all weapons, ahahahahahahaha! | ||
Armament No.01 "Super Dreadnought Destroyer" | Terminate all targets, nahahahahaha! | |
I summon you Golden Tager, exterminate them! | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Armament No.99 “Match Destroyer: Ultimate Impact” | You'll regret this... Tatatatatatata! Ultimate impact! Ars magus? Hmph, science is true power! Muahahahahahaha! A second rate soldier. | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Taunt | *Yawn* | |
Boring! | ||
Not even worth the data! | ||
Wasting my time! | ||
Idle | Hurry it up, will you? | |
Time to fight. | ||
Turn around | Stand still! | |
Hm? | ||
Combo (2k Damage) | Good good! | |
Next! | ||
Combo (3k Damage) | Resuming Combat. | |
Engaging. | ||
Combo (5k Damage) | Got some good data! | |
That should about do it. | ||
Standing Throw | Don't die on me! | |
This is gonna hurt! | ||
Aerial Throw | Stake! | |
I'll blast you! | ||
Throw Whiff | Tch! | |
Damn! | ||
Throw Break | ||
Throw Escape | ||
Guard | ||
Crush Trigger | C'mon c'mon c'mon! | |
I'll blow you to bits! | ||
Taking Damage | ||
Taking Damage (Spinning) | ||
Taking Damage (Spinning in air) | How could? | |
Woah! | ||
Taking Damage (Unblockable) | Unblockable? | |
Vulgar! | ||
Taking Damage (Wall Bounce) | ||
Taking Damage (Floor Bounce) | ||
Ground Ukemi (Forward/backward) | ||
My turn! | ||
Ground Ukemi (Neutral) | ||
You ready? | ||
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral) | ||
Aerial Ukemi (Forward) | ||
Aerial Ukemi (Backward) | ||
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Hold up, I'm saving! And what do you want? | |
Woah, a secret door here! Oh, hi. | ||
Huh? Please don't waste my time. | ||
Wait wait wait, I'm at the good part! Can you make this quick? | ||
Nice, a new high score! Shall we begin? | ||
Hm? Five minutes, not a second over. | ||
Outro | Tager, hey Tager! Technology. | |
You've wasted enough of my time already. | ||
Tager, come in Tager. Damn reception! | ||
Defeat | How... Could I?! | |
Time Up Defeat | Not to you! | |
No no no no no! | ||
Defeat (Relius Astral) | I won't be taken advantage of! | |
Defeat (Amane Astral) | Size hardly matters, mew! | |
Round End | ||
You're no match. | ||
Within Expectations, not your fault. | ||
That's it? | ||
Ragna the Bloodedge
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Kokonoe: I'll collect your data myself Ragna: Can you even fight? |
Outro | Hmph, Ragna the Bloodedge... What a disappointment! | |
Rachel Alucard
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Kokonoe: It's you! Rachel: Oh? The little shut-in girl comes to play outside? Should I expect a meteor to fall? |
Outro | That left a bad aftertaste. | |
Iron Tager
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Kokonoe: Let's see your performance. Tager: I never would've imagined I would fight you! |
Outro | I think it's time for more upgrades, you'll make a good cyborg! And... Clicky! | |
Litchi Faye-Ling
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Litchi: Huh? Professor, but why? Kokonoe: My dumbest student! |
Outro | Walk away from the NOL while you still can. | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Arakune: koko-, koko-, koko-, kokonoe! Kokonoe: You fool. |
Outro | How empty. | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Kokonoe: You've sure caused us a lot of trouble, you know? Hakumen: Show me the power of the strongest and the greatest! |
Outro | Suit yourself. | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Lambda: Awaiting further orders, master. Kokonoe: You're still calling me that? Alright, let's take you for a spin! |
Round end | ||
Outro | You replicated the idea engine too, interesting! | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Hazama: Oh, professor Kokonoe, getting tired of being an introvert? Kokonoe: I finally got you, Terumi! |
Outro | Time to pay! | |
Relius Clover
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Relius: Kokonoe. Hahahahahahaha, this will be very intriguing! Kokonoe: Relius Clover, what are you doing here? |
Outro | What you're doing, is no longer science! | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Bullet: Where's the captain, Kokonoe? Kokonoe: I don't know anything! |
Outro | Stop wasting your time on me! | |
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Azrael: Grr! I'll enjoy consuming your flesh, Kokonoe! Mmm, didn't taste that bad! Kokonoe: Azrael, you... |
Outro | Time to go back to your cage. And, clicky! | |
Kagura Mutsuki
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Kokonoe: How troublesome, just don't get in my way! Kagura: What, you fight too? |
Outro | That's the best the Mutsuki family can do? | |
Yuuki Terumi
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Kokonoe: You're... Terumi: Don't tell me you're pussin' out! Kokonoe: To think you'd give me the opportunity to end you! |
Outro | Don't consider this revenge, Terumi... You just happened to get in my way. | |
Celica A. Mercury
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Intro | Kokonoe: Come on, i'll adjust you as we go. Celica: P-Please be nice! |
Combo (2k damage) | Your reaction times are too slow, Minerva! | |
Outro | Hmm... Needs a few more tweaks, I guess. | |
Victory Screen
Situation | Quote | Audio |
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge | We no longer need your strength. Leave the rest to me. | |
Vs. Jin Kisaragi | The Power of Order... Still, you're so green. | |
Vs. Noel Vermillion | Leave this place at once, Noel Vermillion. This is more weight than you can bear. | |
Vs. Rachel Alucard | You decide to step up to the stage after being an Observer this long? Hmph... What the hell do you want? | |
Vs. Taokaka | Are you not a cat, too? | |
Vs. Iron Tager | Hmm... I think we can increase the output just a little more... Alright Tager, let's take it from the top. | |
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling | Satisfied yet? You idiot... | |
Vs. Arakune | You've been infused with an Artificial Causality Weapon? Roy... | |
Vs. Bang Shishigami | Ugh, don't even talk to me anymore... In fact, don't even look at me. | |
Vs. Carl Clover | "Nirvana"... huh? It's been quite a while. | |
Vs. Hakumen | Why can't you just stay on the end of your leash? | |
Vs. ν-No.13- | The Murakumo Unit... What are you doing here? | |
Vs. Tsubaki Yayoi | Seems you don't really understand the real dangers in using the "Sealed Armament: Izayoi." I'm sorry, but I'll have to take that away from you. | |
Vs. Hazama | I've finally got you, Terumi... | |
Vs. μ-No.12- | Impressive power, but you have yet to master it. | |
Vs. Makoto Nanaya | Calm down, Makoto. This isn't a problem you can solve alone. | |
Vs. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing | Stay out of this, Valkenhayn. | |
Vs. Platinum the Trinity | Two souls inside one body...? Intriguing. Let me research yo-- H-Hey, I was just kidding. Ugh, stop crying. | |
Vs. Relius Clover | Relius Clover... What the hell are you after? | |
Vs. Izayoi | Izayoi's true form, huh? But don't tell me that's all the power you've got... | |
Vs. Amane Nishiki | Hm. Such graceful movement that cannot be reproduced in a machine. I shall try to integrate that into my next mech. | |
Vs. Bullet | I don't know anything about this "operation" of which you speak. I suggest you give up. | |
Vs. Azrael | Sorry they let you out of your cage for nothing, but I really can't have you getting in my way. I'm afraid it's back to the can with you. Damn geezers... | |
Vs. Kagura Mutsuki | I'll say your vitality was impressive... If nothing else. | |
Vs. Kokonoe | A duplicate...? Strange things can happen, I suppose... | |
Vs. Yuuki Terumi | I will stop at nothing if it means killing you. Remember that. | |
Vs. Celica A. Mercury | Base performance is good, but she needs a lot more tuning... This could take a while. | |
Vs. λ-No.11- | These readings are completely different from last time... Are you actually rewriting yourself...? Need to investigate this. | |