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This is a general list. For more specific lists:

- High Score Ranking

Type Best in Niche Outclassed Alternative
Universal Damage
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 1.png
(★5) Mugen
Elemental Foes
Ranking Game
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 15.png
(★5) Gain Art
Damage Prevention
Hate Manipulation
Farm Rewards
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 23.png
(★3) Alchemy
None, they're all one of a kind


Type Grimoire Reason
Universal Damage / Personal AD Mai's personal grimoire also happens to be the best general crit rate grimoire available. For AD Mai specifically, this allows her to inflate her damage as it buffs both her crit rate and her crit damage by a good amount.
Universal Damage / Personal Oh boy, this grimoire outdoes a lot. It has a very high atk stat, it inflates Atk baseline without any requirement by 20% when maxed, and it also inflates special. This is a good way to just take a character with 12k attack, set their attack to 16k, and then inflate their special damage even more past that.
Universal Damage Arriving alongside Tenjo, this grimoire was among the first to creep launch grimoires by the volume of their effect. Not only does this give a bigger bonus to R/D than Sin Architect, it also has a disgusting atk stat, but that does get pressured by A Moonlit Night in Wadatsumi.
Universal Damage Currently the only useful crit damage boost grimoire. Coming alongside its high base atk, this grimoire boosts crit damage, making it extremely dangerous in the hands of anyone who can naturally deliver critical hits.
Universal Damage Coming in with the D/S combination, Number Field brings quite a bit of punch to those higher end rolls, a useful choice on characters who don't want to be pressing R. Otherwise, just use Cascading Incandescence. Its now outclassed by A Moonlit Night in Wadatsumi on all buttons.
Universal Damage
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 1.png
(★5) Mugen
Coming in with the awkward R/S combination, Mugen sacrifices atk power while also sacrificing the all important D button. It also has a low atk stat, meaning that even with its special boost, you are probably better off using Cascading Incandescence.
Universal Damage / Ranking Game Throwing in Special does make this grimoire less terrible than other Distortion buffing grimoires, and it has a real attack stat. But you're better off using Imaginary Number Field.
Universal Damage A Brief Respite has better stats.
Universal Damage Cascading Incandescence has better stats and a better effect.
Universal Damage This GBF grimoire is interesting as it buffs both crit rate and crit damage, meaning that on those precious crits, it can outpace the damage dealt by A Brief Respite. Unfortunately, its crit rate is not as good, and since it doesnt boost damage outside crits, I would argue its outclassed by the AD Mai grimoire.
Elemental Foes / Personal Nine is only useful for doing lots of damage. This grimoire buffs her damage output against Wind enemies considerably when pressing Drive. Outside that niche, you are better off using Cascading Incandescence for more general consistency. Outside giving this to Nine, it provides a very large atk boost against Wind foes that can outpace Photogenic Twilight on the right user. But since that user is generally Nine, its best as a personal grimoire.
Elemental Foes This is useful in stages against dark foes, providing a boost to your atk and your damage reduction from their hits. The situational blend is worth consideration, but the low stats provided does make it outclassed by other grimoires that focus on pure damage or pure tankiness. Plus it is worthless in stages with mixed elements.
Elemental Foes The effect is situational, buffing your attack based on what element of enemy you attack by a hefty amount. What is not situational is that massive atk stat boost you get just from equipping it. Depending on the circumstances, it can be one of the most damaging grimoires in the game. Unfortunately, it is now outdamaged by A Moonlit Night in Wadatsumi baseline. You gain 5% more atk when maxed against universal foes, but lose almost 25% of its base stats. But so long as the character its attatched to has at least 6000 attack, that stat drop doesn't matter and this grimoire just gets outpaced.
Ranking Game It has a big boost to DD and base attack. This is pretty much only useful for those ranking game modes where you are graded on how much damage you do in a single DD combo. Other grimoires are more useful for providing more damage overall, but this is useful for exactly that gamemode.
Ranking Game It has a big boost to AH and base attack. This is pretty much only useful for those ranking game modes where you are graded on how much damage you do in a single Astral. Other grimoires are more useful for providing more damage overall, but this is useful for exactly that gamemode.
Heat / Overdrive A unique grimoire that adds both OD and Heat gen. Its also not a % based heat gen, but a flat amount that gets added on every D. A unique niche that has its many uses, leading to some of the highest heat gains on D overall.
Heat The best defensive Heat Generation grimoire.
Heat The most damaging Heat Generation grimoire, and one of the most damaging grimoires overall.
Heat / Overdrive A unique grimoire that adds both OD and Heat gen. It is % heat based, so it wants to generate heat off of skills and Specials in addition to its increased OD gen. There is a niche for that, but Irreconcilable Concepts is generally better.
Heat Outclassed by Manifestation of Technique.
Heat A rare usable 4* grimoire. Outclassed by Imperator's Light, but still bulkier than the offensive heat gen grimoires.
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 5star Grimoire 15.png
(★5) Gain Art
The most damaging Overdrive Generation grimoire.
Overdrive Its nothing special for meter generation. What is special is the Overdrive Extend, making it a valuable support grimoire.
Overdrive / Personal The best defensive Overdrive Generation grimoire. It turns into a real grimoire when attached to Es, as you sacrifice some OD gain for bulk. But none of the other OD grimoires are comparable to this one's bulk.
Overdrive Outclassed by Gain Art.
Overdrive Outclassed by Gain Art.
Damage Prevention / Healing The best defensive grimoire in the game, bar none. The only reason I left the rest in this best in niche section is because it is impossible to get it now, and due to its virtue as a collab grimoire, it is incredibly unlikely to rerun.
Damage Prevention Arriving alongside Izayoi, this grimoire was among the first to creep launch grimoires by the volume of their effect. Not only does this give a bigger bonus to DR than Imperator of War, it also has a disgusting def stat.
Damage Prevention The first true support grimoire, and still one of the best. AOE damage reduction is a fantastic effect, and this one is the best at that.
Damage Prevention The best Fortitude grimoire available. If the situation for this arises, its the best at it. But its still rather niche.
Damage Prevention While Dance of the Exorcist provides more damage reduction to allies, this provides more bulk to the character it is attached to. Great for bulking up your support at the cost of some bulk on everyone else.
Damage Prevention Used to be the best damage reduction grimoire, now its outclassed by Arbitrator's Might.
Damage Prevention Always been outclassed by Imperator of War.
Healing The best accessible 5* regen grimoire. While it does have a higher regen rate than 4* Rachel Regen, its almost always outclassed by Rachel Regen. However, for those niche scenarios where healing is more important than defence (such as status effect spam), this one does more to help than the 4*.
Healing The best accessible regen grimoire. Even though its only 4 stars, it brings so much defense that it outclasses the additional healing provided by the 5* grimoires. There may be scenarios where Wings of Truth is useful, but this will be almost always better.
Healing Outclassed regen grimoire. Use one of the others, they're all better.
Hate Manipulation Has the highest hate down effect in the game. It also has a very high defense stat, making it useful in case one does get hit.
Hate Manipulation The best hate up grimoire by default. Its bad, but in the niche scenario where you need this exact effect, it exists.
Hate Manipulation Has a very solid hate down effect. It also has an okay defense stat, making it useful in case one does get hit, but is outpaced by the other relevant hate down grimoires. Its still better than the rest of the hate down grimoires not mentioned.
Hate Manipulation Has a very solid hate down effect. It also has damage reduction, making it useful in case one does get hit, but is outpaced by Intelligence Department's defence.
Hate Manipulation
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 14.png
(★3) TRM
Has an okay hate down effect. This used to be relevant when cost mattered, but it currently doesn't, so don't use it anymore.
Personal This grimoire is what enables Hazama to become a real offensive threat. Without it, he might as well be just a support. If you want support Hazama, use another grimoire, but if you want DPS Hazama, this is the only choice.
Personal When attached to Mei, this grimoire turns her into one of the best characters in the game. The AOE heals allow her to keep the team healthy while also stacking buff upon buff on them. Without this grimoire, Mei is not nearly as powerful.
Personal That 55% up Special is a trap. You get more consistent damage using a grimoire with a real attack stat like Number Field or Cascading Incandescence. But this does make for the most damaging special attacks.
Personal The damage reduction is negligible because of Celica's paper defenses, as well as this grimoire's bad bulk. Instead, the only value here is picking it for that status immunity on Celica, allowing her to cleanse her team of their multi-turn stuns if need be.
Personal If you are trying to make Shiori your primary attacker, this grimoire works. Otherwise, you are probably best picking a grimoire that inflates her attack stat rather than this to maximize her poison damage.
Personal Meifang is not a good damage dealer. However, on the off chance that you do want to punch things with her instead of Saya or Hazama or any other dark attacker, this grimoire helps.
Personal This does help Chachakaka do more damage, something she does enjoy doing a lot. However, you will probably not want to use this grimoire, instead opting for an Overdrive Generation grimoire to maximize her speed at pumping out those Overdrives.
Farm Rewards Player Experience up. Use it every round until level 100, then bench it.
Farm Rewards
Blazblue Alternative Dark War 3star Grimoire 23.png
(★3) Alchemy
Increases your P$ gains just for existing. Put it on every farm team if you have free grimoire space.
Farm Rewards Increases your Character EXP gains just for existing. Put it on every farm team if you have free grimoire space.
Unlisted 5 Stars For a damage reduction grimoire, it has some pretty worthless stats. And it only works against Fire and Wind too, giving you extra reason to never use it over any other 5 star damage reduction grimoire. Keep it for the art and never use it.
Unlisted 5 Stars
BBDW Grimoire Tea Party.png
(★5) Tea Party
The Healing Up effect is unique, but there isn't any scenario so far that warrants wasting the slot on your support. Using an aoe damage reduction grimoire does the same job, but is more universal, consistent, reliable, and has better stats.


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