Missing merchandise includes some stuff around 2015 and some newer items. I'll update this post later with the links I've gathered to track the backlog. (Update 2/24/2021: Added listing below)
Images of merchandise (i.e. stock photos) can be uploaded using Campaign:Merchandise and merchandise entries can be added to the respective Merchandise pages using existing entries as a guide.
I've organized the merchandise entries by release date with newer entries on top, and some pages are also split further into categories by type or game.
Originally I was the only one working on merch and its organization was meant to be temporary, but I've seen some interest in it and am glad a couple of people have found it useful. Even now, I don't think the pages are used much relative to other pages so anything related to merch is relatively low priority, aside from updating it ASAP to prevent disgusting backlogs or info being pulled from the Internet before we can document it. As always, any help is welcome.
Compiled from Arc System Works' Japanese news archives, so this list is not comprehensive.
Arc System Works changed up their company website some years ago, which removed all their old blog posts, so I've linked archived versions on the Internet Archive. The BlazBlue website is still up unchanged, thankfully (until that gets redone too).
Rachel nendoroid (CP special ed), CT bonus drama CDs, etc
Backlogged releases from around 2015 (I'll update here with links later) updated
Shop bonuses
CF shop bonus images were uploaded by User:Nachtmahr (thank you!) and added to the CF gallery but might be missing entries on the individual Merchandise pages Not missing, thanks!
Posted by Chao on 20 April 2021 at 21:05. Edited by Chao on 22 June 2021 at 20:37.
Moved discussion to Talk:Merchandise where it's closer to the page(s) related to it & a supported format (forum extension is in beta, could become unmaintained. Current Forum experience doesn't have verification before thread/reply deletion and you can accidentally delete a reply by linking to its edit box, which wipes the post's existing content. Editing one's own reply requires elevated privileges and is less than ideal for open editing. The discussion page is therefore more ideal for archiving this sort of discussion, as it's open for anyone to edit, has protections against deletion, and retains a history of changes.)
Posted by Chao on 20 April 2022 at 15:48. Edited by Chao on 20 April 2022 at 15:52.