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Gameplay:Bang Shishigami BBCT Quotes

From BlazBlue Wiki

Solo Actions


Situation Quote Audio


Situation Quote Audio
Bang's Void Tempest Kick Bang taijutsu, hurricane bang kick!
Bang's Void Tempest Kick
Bang's Void Tempest Kick Void tempest, Bang drop!
Bang's Void Tempest Kick
Bang's Void Tempest Kick EX Raging gale, Bang knuckles!
Bang's Void Tempest Kick EX
Bang's Void Tempest Kick EX Heavenly ascention, Bang drop EX!
Bang's Void Tempest Kick EX
Bang's Unstoppable Double Palm Thrust Pulverizing fist!
Bang's Unstoppable Double Palm Thrust
Bang's Unstoppable Double Palm Thrust Critical Super Crash!
Bang's Unstoppable Double Palm Thrust
Bang's Heavenly Double Palm Thrust Heavenly Phoenix!
Bang's Heavenly Double Palm Thrust
Bang's Heavenly Double Palm Thrust Gigant attack!
Bang's Heavenly Double Palm Thrust
Bang-style Shuriken Heavenly rain!
Bang-style Shuriken
Bang-style Shuriken Shuriken special!
Bang-style Shuriken
Set Nail Hail of pain!
Set Nail
Set Nail Instant ninpo!
Set Nail


Situation Quote Audio
Shishigami-Style Ultimate Technique: Steel Rain There's nowhere to run, raining shuriken!
Shishigami-Style Ultimate Technique: Steel Rain
Shishigami-Style Ultimate Technique: Steel Rain Bang's ultimate, iron storm!
Shishigami-Style Ultimate Technique: Steel Rain
Shishigami-style Technique: "Bang's Infinite Chaos-Fist of the Void" Shishigami ninpo, hidden art... Bang...volcanic...fury!
Shishigami-style Technique: "Bang's Infinite Chaos-Fist of the Void"
Shishigami-style Technique: "Bang's Infinite Chaos-Fist of the Void" To rid this world of evil, I will be come...the hammer...of justice!
Shishigami-style Technique: "Bang's Infinite Chaos-Fist of the Void"
Shishigami-Style Forbidden Technique: Fū-Rin-Ka-Zan Shishigami ninpo, forbidden art... Fū-Rin-Ka-Zan!
Shishigami-Style Forbidden Technique: Fū-Rin-Ka-Zan
Shishigami-Style Forbidden Technique: Fū-Rin-Ka-Zan Quicker than wind and as still as the forest, hotter than flames and more magnificent than a mountain!
Shishigami-Style Forbidden Technique: Fū-Rin-Ka-Zan


Situation Quote Audio
Shishigami-style Forbidden Technique: "The Ultimate Bang" The time, has come! SUPER, BA-A-AANG!
Shishigami-style Forbidden Technique: "The Ultimate Bang"
Shishigami-style Forbidden Technique: "The Ultimate Bang" Final Ougi! The banished super ninjutsu, LET THE BLOODBATH BEGIN!
Shishigami-style Forbidden Technique: "The Ultimate Bang"


Situation Quote Audio
Taunt I dare you, attack me from anywhere you please!
Taunt What's the matter, too scared of me to lift a finger?
Idle Whenever you're ready!
Idle I can hardly wait!
Combo (2k Damage) Successful attack!
Combo (2k Damage)
Combo (2k Damage) Raging Storm!
Combo (2k Damage)
Combo (3k Damage) This is the soul of my ninjutsu!
Combo (3k Damage)
Combo (3k Damage) Sky's the limit!
Combo (3k Damage)
Combo (5k Damage) Yes yes yes yes yes!
Combo (5k Damage)
Combo (5k Damage) I'll show you hell!
Combo (5k Damage)
Throw There!
Throw Repent!
Aerial Throw Behind me!
The tables have turned!
Throw Whiff Not good!
Throw Whiff
Throw Whiff Could this be fate?
Throw Whiff
Throw Break I see, you're not bad!
Throw Break
Throw Break As smooth as water!
Throw Break
Throw Escape Such is life!
Throw Escape
Throw Escape Work on your taijutsu!
Throw Escape
Throw Escape You're not having your way!
Throw Escape
Throw Escape That was dangerous!
Throw Escape
Guard Super barrier!
Guard That was a close one!
Guard I won't!
Guard Denied!
Taking Damage (Electrocuted) Ahhh, electrifyi-i-i-ing!
Taking Damage (Spinning) Spinni-i-ing!
Taking Damage (Spinning in Air) Ohhh my!
I wasn't doing anything!
Taking Damage (Wall Bounce) God dammit!
Ground Ukemi (Neutral) This is an ukemi!
Ground Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral) I'm back for more!
Aerial Ukemi (Neutral)
Aerial Ukemi (Forward) Not quite!
Aerial Ukemi (Forward)
Aerial Ukemi (Backward) That the best you've got?
Aerial Ukemi (Backward)
Turn around That's where you were!
Turn around
Turn around I won't lose you!
Turn around
Defeat Master...please...forgive me!
Time Up Defeat Ah, what a harsh world this is!
Time Up Defeat
Time Up Defeat Kh- No regrets!
Time Up Defeat


Situation Quote Audio
Intro Defender of justice! Burning Bang!
Intro I come when I hear the summons for a hero! For I am none other than Bang Shishigami!
Intro I come when I hear the summons for a hero! Here to fight fair and square!
Intro Defender of justice! Burning Bang!
Intro Defender of justice! HERE I AM!
Intro Where there is light, there will be darkness! I will bring justice to the evil who lurk in the dark! People call me the divine lightning of justice!
Intro By the sweat of my brow... Err, my brow... Ahh! You evildoer! I will punish you!
Intro Hailed by the heavens, earth and people! The one and only Bang Shishigami is now here!
Intro You won't escape, evildoer! The defender of justice, Bang Shishigami will be your opponant!
Outro I cannot lose, until I have fulfilled my duties!
Outro Fuahahahahahaha! I can't... stop... Lauhahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Outro Here comes... the hero of justice!
Outro This... is the power of a trained shinobi!
Round End Ha! Done already?
Round End
Round End Not yet, I was just beginning!
Round End
Round End Pathetic!
Round End
Round End I wouldd say... you're second in the world!
Round End
Round End Coming next week, the return of Bang!
Round End
Round End And for the final blow... I cannot do it!
Round End
Round End Get up! Get up!
Round End
Round End Who's gonna be next!?
Round End


Jin Kisaragi

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Your sins are beyond salvation. I will exact justice here and now!
Outro It would seem that your luck has finally run out!

Iron Tager

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Prepare yourself, you giant demon!
Outro This beast has fallen before the might of Bang Shishigami! You are safe dear lady, and now... Away!

Litchi Faye-Ling

Situation Quote Audio
Intro I pray that today, my feelings will be heard!
Outro Now jump... into my MANLY CHEST!

Carl Clover

Situation Quote Audio
Intro Now, now. It's time to spread your wings!
Outro I am Bang Shishigami! The man respected and adored by all those who follow him!


Situation Quote Audio
Intro So, you are one of the Six Heroes! I would love to see your strength, first-hand!
Outro There are two things in this world that I just cannot stand! Lies and evil, and lies and... BELL PEPPERS!

Victory Screen

Situation Quote Audio
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge *pant* *pant* I'm going to turn you in right now. Hey, wait... Don't run! You basta— *pant* *pant* Play
Vs. Ragna the Bloodedge ぜぇぜぇ、今から引き渡す......いや、待て..... 逃げる、な.... ぜぇぜぇ。 Play
Vs. Jin Kisaragi I finally found you! I'll never forget your face! Prepare yourself! Play
Vs. Jin Kisaragi ここで会ったが100万年!! お主の顔、忘れはしないぞ!! いざ覚悟!! Play
Vs. Noel Vermillion Hmm... You seem to be lacking... well, a lot of things to be a kunoichi. Especially around the ches— W-Wait, what are you doing? Don't shoot! We can talk! Play
Vs. Noel Vermillion くの一にしては色気が......いや色々足りないでござるな特にム、 ってま、 待て、撃つな、話せば分かるでござる!! Play
Vs. Rachel Alucard Mm... I have a couple of ninja dogs myself. Next time we meet, I shall show them to you. Play
Vs. Rachel Alucard 拙者にも忍犬の一匹や二匹。 よし、 次相まみえる時にお見せいたそう!! Play
Vs. Taokaka Heheheh... Do you think you've disguised yourself as a cat? You may be able to fool everyone else, but nothing escapes the all-seeing eye of Bang Shishigami! Play
Vs. Taokaka フフフ、それで猫に化けたつもりでござるか?世間の目は誤魔化せても、このバングの目は騙されぬ! Play
Vs. Iron Tager The ultimate clash between our souls... But it seems that this time, I am the victor! Play
Vs. Iron Tager 魂と魂のぶつかり合い、 拙者の方が勝っていたでござるな! Play
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling Ah! Miss Litchi! Are you OK!? Who the hell would do such a thing!? Play
Vs. Litchi Faye-Ling ハッ! ライチ殿! 大丈夫でござるか!? 一体誰がこのような事 を!!! Play
Vs. Arakune I can smell the evil inside of you! Play
Vs. Arakune お主からは悪の匂いがプンプンするでござる!! Play
Vs. Bang Shishigami Damn... What a handsome, manly guy! I hope that someday, I too will be able to train and become as manly as that incredible man. Play
Vs. Bang Shishigami くっ、なかなかハンサムで男前なナイスガイであった......! 拙者もあのようにたくましく精錬された男になりたいでござるな。 Play
Vs. Carl Clover Good little boys should be in bed by now! Play
Vs. Carl Clover 良い子は寝る時間でござる!! Play
Vs. Hakumen What a great fight! We both gave one hundred percent! I've learned a lot from this battle! Now, if you'll excuse me. Play
Vs. Hakumen ただ互いに全力をぶつけた結果でござる! 良き修行となった、それでは失礼!! Play
Vs. ν-No.13- Such overwhelming power! You've forced me to unleash my sacred techniques! Play
Vs. ν-No.13- 何という力! 今こそ!! 拙者の新必殺技を放つ時!! Play