Gameplay:Kuon (Scorching Beach Attacker) BBDW Quotes

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Revision as of 11:38, 1 September 2021 by Hachimitsu (talk | contribs) (anime line could maybe count as dislike?)


Situation Quote Audio
Distortion Drive
Distortion Drive
Astral Heat
Astral Heat


Situation Quote Audio
New Unit Greetings, I am Kuon Glamred Stroheim. I'm the council president of the Beach Volleyball Mage's Association. You may call me "Fire Attacker Stroheim", if you would please.
New Unit 私は久音=グラムレッド=シュトルハイム。魔道ビーチバレー協会の会長よ。人は私を『爆炎のアタッカー・シュトルハイム』なんて呼ぶわ。
Ascension (SS+) Summer is calling out to my soul!
Ascension (SS+) 夏が私の魂を呼んでるわ!
Ascension (SS++) With your assistance, I have grown even stronger.
Ascension (SS++) あなたに支えられて、私はもっと強くなる。
Ascension (SS+++) Who could be grander than I? Who could be stronger than I?
Ascension (SS+++) 誰よりも高く、誰よりも強く!
Home Screen
Talk As expected, swimsuits are quite nice. Just like the many feelings of summer, you can pick one that suits your goals. Why, for me, of course, I wanted something with maximum mobility!
Talk やっぱり水着っていいわよね。いかにも夏って感じがするし、目的に合わせて選べるし。あ、私のはもちろん、動きやすさ最重視よ!
Likes Although I am indeed a Magician, one shouldn't assume that I am forever indoors. I may not seem the type, but I find that sports are sublime. Watching them suits me just fine, but occasionally I find that playing them myself is quite enjoyable.
Likes 魔術師だからって、インドアだと決めつけないでよね。こう見えてもスポーツものは結構好きなのよ。見るのもいいけど、たまには自分でやるのも、気持ちいいわ。
Etc Ishana is truly a wonderful island. It's comfortable, secure, the weather is always nice... It is indeed a prime location for an enjoyable summer. When this battle is finally over, I do so hope that you will come and enjoy some time there. We could have a wonderful match against each other then.
Etc イシャナはとっても良い島よ。安心、安全、天候も荒れないし、夏を楽しむには最高の場所だわ。あなたもいつか、この戦いが終わったらゆっくり遊びに来るといいわ。その時は、良い試合をしましょう。
Hobby The rules of beach volleyball? Of course I know them, I watched an anime about it and committed it to memory. It was called "Beach Angels, Shine Spike"... U-uhm, what is it? It was a video. I studied it. What's the problem here?
Hobby バレーボールのルール? もちろんアニメで覚えたのよ。『ビーチエンジェル・シャインスパイク』っていう……んんっ、こほん。ええと。なに。動画でね。勉強したの。それがなにか?