Gameplay:Izayoi BBDW Quotes: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Quotes Subpage}} ==Battle== {{Quotes Header}} {{Quotes |rowspan=2 |situation=Special |text= |audio= |lang=en }} {{Quotes |rowspan=0 |situation=Special |text=...")
mNo edit summary
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   |situation=New Unit
   |situation=New Unit
   |text=Greetings. My Tsubaki, however, at the moment I would like to be called Izayoi. I am here for the sake of bringing justice to the evil that threatens to shake the world to its foundations.
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   |situation=Ascension (SS+)
   |situation=Ascension (SS+)
   |text=Not yet; I'm not strong enough to destroy all evil yet.
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   |situation=Ascension (SS++)
   |situation=Ascension (SS++)
   |text=This blade will cut down all evil beings, without fail.
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   |situation=Ascension (SS+++)
   |situation=Ascension (SS+++)
   |text=I promise you, I will fight for the sake of justice alongside you until my strength is no more.
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   |text=If you need any assistance at all, no matter what it is, or to what extent you need it, you can be assured that I will help you. You have my deep gratitude.
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   |text=If you ever need to see true justice, watching historical dramas is something that I can strongly recommend. I would study the pure heart and strong convictions that would never permit the heinous acts of evil from those evil magistrates!
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   |text=War truly gives way to an untold number of victims...We should always strive to stop it. I am willing to devote myself to my last breath for the sake of ending it.
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   |text=For as long as evil exists within this world, I shall exist for the sake of judging those sins. That alone is my reason for being... my mission.
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{{Quotes Footer}}
{{Quotes Footer}}

悪代官 (Akudaikan/ Evil Magistrate) is a stock character in Jidaigeki (Japanese historical drama) productions, generally the main antagonist that the protagonist eventually overcomes with some form of poetic justice.

Revision as of 10:51, 1 September 2021


Situation Quote Audio
Distortion Drive
Distortion Drive
Astral Heat
Astral Heat


Situation Quote Audio
New Unit Greetings. My Tsubaki, however, at the moment I would like to be called Izayoi. I am here for the sake of bringing justice to the evil that threatens to shake the world to its foundations.
New Unit 初めまして。私は……名をツバキと申します。ですがどうか、イザヨイと呼んでください。世界に振りかかる悪を断罪するために、今の私はあるのです。
Ascension (SS+) Not yet; I'm not strong enough to destroy all evil yet.
Ascension (SS+) まだ、悪を滅するには足りない……
Ascension (SS++) This blade will cut down all evil beings, without fail.
Ascension (SS++) この刃で、必ずや悪しきものを断ってみせましょう
Ascension (SS+++) I promise you, I will fight for the sake of justice alongside you until my strength is no more.
Ascension (SS+++) あなたと私の正義のために、力を尽くすと約束します
Home Screen
Talk If you need any assistance at all, no matter what it is, or to what extent you need it, you can be assured that I will help you. You have my deep gratitude.
Talk あなたは私を必要としてくれる。そのことが、どれだけ心強いか。本当に、感謝しています。
Likes If you ever need to see true justice, watching historical dramas is something that I can strongly recommend. I would study the pure heart and strong convictions that would never permit the heinous acts of evil from those evil magistrates!
Likes 正義が何かを見失ったときには、時代劇を見るのをおすすめするわ。悪代官の所業は決して許さない。強い心と高潔な魂が、学べるはずよ!
Dislikes War truly gives way to an untold number of victims...We should always strive to stop it. I am willing to devote myself to my last breath for the sake of ending it.
Dislikes 戦争は必ず多くの犠牲を生んでしまう……絶対に止めるべきだわ。この身を犠牲にしてでも……。
Hobby For as long as evil exists within this world, I shall exist for the sake of judging those sins. That alone is my reason for being... my mission.
Hobby この世界に悪が存在する限り、私はその罪を裁き続けます。それが私の役目であり……使命です。


悪代官 (Akudaikan/ Evil Magistrate) is a stock character in Jidaigeki (Japanese historical drama) productions, generally the main antagonist that the protagonist eventually overcomes with some form of poetic justice.