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Module:ViewData URL

From BlazBlue Wiki

Please go to Module:ViewData URL/doc to edit the documentation.

To be used with Template:Gallery Section (BBRadio) or Template:Gallery Section (Cargo)


This module builds a URL to Special:ViewData to fix some undesirable behavior in the link that's generated by default:

  1. The first batch of results are excluded. We want to display all results, even ones that have already been returned.
  2. The results per page are limited to whatever was initially set as the limit, unless the limit was 0, in which case Special:ViewData shows 100 results per page. We want to be able to manually set this limit.


To create a link for Template: Gallery Section (BBRadio):

{{#invoke:ViewData URL|BBRadio|character|season
|intro=<h3>BlazBlue Radio D</h3>

To create a link for Template:Gallery Section (Cargo):

{{#invoke:ViewData URL|Files
|order_by=Date DESC

local p = {}
local cargo = mw.ext.cargo

function p.BBRadio( frame )
	intro = frame.args['intro'] or ''
	intro = html_escape(intro)
	limit = frame.args['limit'] or 100
	character = frame.args[1] or ''
	character = string.gsub(character, "'", '')
	link_parts = {
		'fields=Files._pageName, Files.Caption',
		'where=Files.Characters HOLDS "' .. html_escape(character) .. '" AND BBRadio_Cuts.Season="' .. frame.args[2] .. '"',
		'limit=' .. limit,
		'intro=' .. intro,
		'show bytes=0',
		'show dimensions=0',
		'show filename=0',
		'caption field=Caption',
		'image width=250'
	link = html_escape(concatvalues(link_parts,"&"))
	parts = {
	final_link = concatvalues(parts,"")
	return final_link

function p.Files( frame )
	intro = frame.args['intro'] or ''
	intro = html_escape(intro)
	limit = frame.args['limit'] or 100
	character = frame.args['character'] or ''
	character = string.gsub(character, "'", '')
	cameo = frame.args['cameo'] or ''
	cameo = string.gsub(cameo, "'", '')
	order_by = frame.args['order'] or 'Date DESC'
	-- build where clause
	where_clause_parts = {
		(function() if not (frame.args['character'] == "" or frame.args['character'] == nil ) then 
			return 'Files.Characters HOLDS "' .. character .. '"' else return "" end end)(),
		(function() if not (frame.args['cameo'] == "" or frame.args['cameo'] == nil ) then 
			return 'Files.Cameos HOLDS "' .. cameo .. '"' else return "" end end)(),
		(function() if not (frame.args['location'] == "" or frame.args['location'] == nil ) then 
			return 'Files.Locations HOLDS "' .. frame.args['location'] .. '"' else return "" end end)(),
		(function() if not (frame.args['weapon'] == "" or frame.args['weapon'] == nil ) then 
			return 'Files.Weapons HOLDS "' .. frame.args['weapon'] .. '"' else return "" end end)(),
		(function() if not (frame.args['artist'] == "" or frame.args['artist'] == nil ) then 
			return 'Files.Artists HOLDS "' .. frame.args['artist'] .. '"' else return "" end end)(),
		(function() if not (frame.args['section'] == "" or frame.args['section'] == nil ) then 
			return 'Files.Gallery_Sections HOLDS "' .. frame.args['section'] .. '"' else return "" end end)(),
		(function() if not (frame.args['source'] == "" or frame.args['source'] == nil ) then 
			return 'Files.Source HOLDS "' .. frame.args['source'] .. '"' else return "" end end)()
	where_clause = concatvalues(where_clause_parts, " AND ")
	-- build url arguments
	link_parts = {
		'fields=_pageName, Caption, Date',
		'where=' .. where_clause,
		'order_by=' .. order_by,
		'limit=' .. limit,
		'intro=' .. intro,
		'show bytes=0',
		'show dimensions=0',
		'show filename=0',
		'caption field=Caption',
		'image width=250'
	link = html_escape(concatvalues(link_parts,"&"))
	parts = {
	final_link = concatvalues(parts,"")
	return final_link

-- concat all the strings in table s together with the given delimiter
-- skips blank entries (where value v = "")
function concatvalues(s,delimiter)
    local t = { }
    for k,v in ipairs(s) do
    	if not (v == '') then
    		t[#t+1] = tostring(v)
    return table.concat(t,delimiter)

function html_escape(s)
    return (string.gsub(s, "[<>\"'/ ,]", {
        ["<"] = "%3C",
        [">"] = "%3E",
        ['"'] = "%22",
        ["'"] = "%27",
        ["/"] = "%2F",
        [" "] = "+",
        [","] = "%2C"

return p