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Gameplay:Acht BBDW Quotes: Difference between revisions

From BlazBlue Wiki
(rearranged, categorized and matched audio to lines, added some TLs and transcripts)
(added my translation of her april fool's day line)
Line 438: Line 438:
   |situation=147 - April Fool's Day
   |situation=147 - April Fool's Day
   |text=April Fool's Day, huh? Hehehe... I wonder if you realize how much I've been lying to you up to now? All women are liars, you know.
Line 444: Line 444:
   |text=エイプリルフールね。 うふふふ、今まであなたについた嘘がどれだけあるか気づいてるかしら。 女はみんな嘘つきなのよ。
   |audio=BBDW Acht 147a.ogg
   |audio=BBDW Acht 147a.ogg

Latest revision as of 23:12, 6 October 2024


Situation Quote Audio
Distortion Drive
Distortion Drive
Astral Heat
Astral Heat

Other, Banter

Situation Quote Audio
100 - New Unit Good day. What a strange place this is. After all, you summoned me here. ...Well. Fine, I suppose I'll go along with you for a bit. I'm Acht. It's a name that's already lost its meaning, but you can call me that.
New Unit ごきげんよう。変わった場所ね。さしずめあなたが私を召喚した、といった所かしら。……そう。いいわ、他にあてがあるわけでもないし、しばらく付き合ってあげる。私はアハト。もう意味のない名前だけど、そう呼んで。 Play Play Play
101 Play
102 You know, I dislike people who only know how to talk. Empty words with no power behind them are meaningless. Surely, you think the same?
102 Play
103 Don't just stare at someone. What has you so interested? My clothes? Ahh... it suits me, doesn't it?
103 Play
104 Oh my, good afternoon. How are you? ...As for me? The same as ever. The days are unchanging here, after all.
But...well...I suppose I would like some sort of entertainment.
104 Play Play
105 Play
106 Play
107 Play
108 Play Play
109 Play Play
110 Play Play

Other, Advancement

Situation Quote Audio
123 - Ascension (SS+) Huhu, good work.
Ascension (SS+) ふふ、ご苦労様 Play
124 - Ascension (SS++) I ought to reward you with something, ufufu
Ascension (SS++) 何かご褒美でもあげないとね、うふふ Play
125 - Ascension (SS+++) I want to show them this appearance too...
Ascension (SS+++) 今の姿、あの人にも見ていただきたいわ…… Play Play Play

Other, Homescreen

Situation Quote Audio
Home Screen
132 - Likes You want to know what I like? ...Too bad. I won't tell you that easily. Secrets make the woman; you'll need more time until then.
Likes 私の好みが知りたいの?……残念。簡単には教えてあげられないわ。秘密は女を美しくするもの。それなりの時間が必要なのよ。 Play
133 - Dislikes I dislike filthy things. That includes outward appearances, of course, but it also includes what's inside. You should also be careful. If you're careless with your conduct, I might come to hate you.
Dislikes 汚いものは嫌いなのよ。外見ももちろんだけど、心の中も。あなたも気を付けるのね。そういうことに無頓着でいると……嫌われるわよ。 Play
134 - Hobby Would there happen to be a calming cafe around here? It'd be nice if I could pass some time reading with a cup of tea...or not. As if such an elegant pasttime wouldn't be an extravagance here, however necessary the tranquility.
Hobby ここ、落ち着いたカフェとかないのかしら?お茶を飲みながら読書……なんてできたらいいんだけど。そんな優雅な趣味、まぁここでは贅沢でしょうけど、必要よ、そういう心のゆとりって。 Play Play
135 - Talk If you're free, won't you prepare some tea? Since I'm staying here and accompanying you, this much should be a matter of course.
Talk 暇ならお茶でも用意してもらえる?あなたに付き合って、ここにいてあげてるんだもの、それくらい当然よね? Play
136 My name's meaning? It's a title granted to the Magic Guild's best magicians, the Ten Sages, with "Acht" meaning the Eighth. As for my name from before that... it's a past I've cut myself off from. That's something I can't reveal.
136 Play Play
137 Say, if someone told you to give up everything to follow them, what would you do? Hehe, it's nothing. I don't mean anything by it. But when I saw you, I suddenly felt like asking.
137 Play Play

Other, Holiday

Situation Quote Audio
141 - Player's Birthday
141 Play
142 - Acht's Birthday
142 Play
143 - New Year's Day
143 Play
144 - Anniversary of the Black Beast's Defeat
144 Play
145 - Valentine's Day
145 Play
146 - White Day
146 Play
147 - April Fool's Day April Fool's Day, huh? Hehehe... I wonder if you realize how much I've been lying to you up to now? All women are liars, you know.
147 エイプリルフールね。 うふふふ、今まであなたについた嘘がどれだけあるか気づいてるかしら。 女はみんな嘘つきなのよ。 Play
148 - Halloween Unfortunately, I don't have any candy on me. Or are you going to try to trick me? You must not value your life.
148 残念だけど、お菓子の持ち合わせはいないわよ。それとも、わたしにいたずらしてみる?命知らずね。 Play
149 - BlazBlue's Anniversary
149 Play
150 - Christmas
150 Play
151 - New Year's Eve
151 Play
152 - Anniversary of the Black Beast's First Appearance
152 Play

Other, Other Characters

Situation Quote Audio
300 - Sechs
300 Play Play
301 - Kuon Glamred Stroheim
301 Play Play
302 I wonder what it is? Recently, some woman I don't recognize has been glaring at me. She seems to be related to the Magic Guild. I wonder if I did something to make her hate me? I can't seem to remember....
302 Play


Situation Quote Audio
000 Play Play
001 Play Play
002 Play Play
010 Play Play
011 Play Play
012 Play Play
013 Play Play
020 Play Play
021 Play Play
022 Play Play
023 Play Play
024 Play Play
025 Play Play
026 Play Play
040 Play Play
050 Play Play
051 Play Play
052 Play Play
060 Play Play
061 Play Play
070 Play Play
071 Play Play
072 Play Play
080 Play Play
090 Play Play
091 Play Play
092 Play Play
120 Play Play
121 Play Play
122 Play
130 A present? I wonder if it's useful?
130 プレゼントね。使える物かしら Play
131 Do you dislike events?
131 あなた、エベントごとはお嫌い? Play
138 Now, shall we begin the day?
138 さぁ!今日を始めましょう Play
139 Go on, enjoy the moment.
139 今を楽しんでらっしゃい Play
140 My, looks valuable. Don't hold back now.
140 いいものらしいわ。遠慮することないのよ。 Play