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Gameplay:Jubei BBCF

From BlazBlue Wiki
(Redirected from Jubei/Gameplay/BBCF)


Jubei excels in close-combat rush downs. His Distortion Drive, "Immovable Object: Lotus" enhances his rush down abilites even further. While Jubei is great at rushing down opponents, his standing knock back is the same as his crouching knock back, which is a large weak point. He is prone to massive damage combos, so beware.

When at mid-range with the opponent, use the crouching B, which has good range. Even if the opponent blocks crouching B, Jubei will have frame advantage and can move first. Lock down your opponent in a crouching block, then dash in to close the gap and get in for a mix-up.

If Jubei jumps while running, he will fly in a low trajectory. This makes his double jump C or ↓ + C, which hits behinds opponents, extremely effective. When closing the distance with the opponent, use the overhead, Form TWO: Demon Fox (↓↙← + B) and low Form ONE: Shadow Wolf (↓↘→ + B) to mix-up. Likewise, while dashing, if Jubei jumps and immediately attacks with Jump A, he will connect with a crouching opponent, making it an overhead mix-up.

With 50% Heat Gauge, Jubei should use Immovable Object: Lotus as soon as possible. Jubei will have the frame advantage by canceling into Immovable Object: Lotus from special attacks. After Immovable Object: Lotus, Fissuring Slash's behavior will change, opening up several possibilities of attack. Mix up into Form ONE or Form TWO, or catch the opponent off guard with a throw to break their guard.

Against opponent trying to attack you from the air, counter with crouching C. If the opponent gets in really close, use Counter Assault or backsteps to escape to safety. Note, if you're able to evade your opponent's attack with a backstep, you should immediately dash (→ during backstep) into a standing A to immediately go from defense to offence.[1]

Command List

Name Command
Normal Input Alternative Input
Swiftly charges toward the opponent and slashes.
Shiranui: Steel
Shiranui: Hagane
D after Immovable Object: Lotus (can change route with A or B or C or D)
After taking a stance, Jubei can leap in the direction of the designated route. He can change direction with ↓ or ↑ also.
Five Circles of Nirvana
羅漢 五輪煌
Rakan: Gorinkō
A + B + C + D
Shiranui and Shiranui: Steel become enhanced.
Miroku: Spherical Illusion
弥勒 輪瞬桜
Miroku: Rinshunrō
During OD, A + B + C + D
Leaps toward the opponent with a kick, and crushes them against the wall.
Fissuring Slash
↓↘→ + A or ↓↘→↓↘→ + A SP (midair also)
A multiple-slashing attack with his claws. The aerial version can move upwards or downwards with ↓ or ↑.
Fissuring Slash
↓↘→ + A after Immovable Object: Lotus (midair also) SP after Immovable Object: Lotus (midair also)
A multiple-slashing attack with his claws. Pressing A will cause Jubei to attack up to five times. The aerial version can move upwards or downwards with ↓ or ↑.
Launch opponent
B during Fissuring Slash (after Immovable Object: Lotus)
Jubei leaps into the air while attacking his opponents. By pressing A he will attack again, knocking back the opponents.
Form ONE: Shadow Wolf
壱之型 影狼
Ichi no Kata: Kagerō
↓↘→ + B
→ + B during Fissuring Slash (after Immovable Object: Lotus)
→ + SP
A forwards sweeping slash.
Form TWO: Demon Fox
弐之型 鬼狐
Ni no Kata: Onigitsune
↓↙← + B
← + B during Fissuring Slash (after Immovable Object: Lotus)
Perfoms a slash that cannot be blocked while crouching.
Form THREE: Ranjishi
参之型 乱獅子
San no Kata: Ranjishi
↓↙← + C (midair also)
C during Fissuring Slash (after Immovable Object: Lotus)
→ + SP in midair
A multi-part attack as Jubei leaps into the air and slashes the opponent.
Form FOUR: Black Panther
肆之型 黒豹
* no Kata: Kurohyō
→↘↓↙←→ + C (chargeable)
→←→ + C during Fissuring Slash (after Immovable Object: Lotus) (chargeable)
Jubei crosses his swords, and unleashes a powerful single blow. Fully charged, the attack becomes unblockable.
Rising Justice
↓↘→ + C (midair also) ↓ + SP (midair also)
Throws a ball of flame that bounces on the ground.
Divine Form (advancing)
↓↘→ + D in midair
→ + D during Fissuring Slash (after Immovable Object: Lotus)
Swiftly moves forward.
Divine Form (retreating)
↓↙← + D in midair
← + D during Fissuring Slash (after Immovable Object: Lotus)
Swiftly moves forward.[sic]
Distortion Drive
Thousand Hands: Roaring Pillar
千手 轟刹羅
Senju: Gō Setsura
↓↘→↓↘→ + D ← + SP
Swiflty lungs forward, slashing through the opponent, following by a of series of slashes. After hitting the opponent with a Drive attack, Jubei will quickly appear behind the opponent.
Twin Guardians: Mourning Shore
仁王 忌岸突
Niō: Kigantotsu
↓↘→↓↘→ + D in midair ← + SP in midair
Lunges towards the ground from midair. After hitting the opponent with a Drive attack, Jubei will quickly appear behind the opponent.
Immovable Object: Lotus
不動 紗蓮陣
Fudō: Sharenjin
Rotate left stick or direction keys in 1 full circle + A
A Drive-state that enhances different special attacks. This ability can only be used once per round.
Astral Heat
Asura: Thunderbird Rising
阿修羅 鳳雷武煉翔
Ashura: Hōrai Burenshō
→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + C
Unleashes his "ki" while standing. The attack will only activate if it lands on the opponent.



  1. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Tutorial Mode, Character Specifics, Jubei - Lesson 03 - Strategy Lessons