Situation |
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New Unit |
Shiori Kirihito. That's Shiori's name. She doesn't really have anywhere else to go. Since that's just how things are, Shiori will help you out. |
New Unit |
シオリ=キリヒト、それがシオリの名前です。他に行く場所もないことだし、仕方ないから手伝ってあげますわ。 |
Ascension (SS+) |
Shiori's thorns are a little sharper, and her poison a little more deadly... |
Ascension (SS+) |
棘はより鋭く、毒はより強く…… |
Ascension (SS++) |
Shiori's full power...Should she show it to you, she wonders? |
Ascension (SS++) |
シオリの真の力を、あなたが見せてくれるのかしら |
Ascension (SS+++) |
Shiori's exposed everything to you, as of now. |
Ascension (SS+++) |
ここまでシオリを暴いてしまうなんて…… |
Home Screen |
Talk |
Shiori shouldn't say this in public but, the Kirihito family's occupation is assassination. If there's a person you'd like to get rid of, you can consult with Shiori. |
Talk |
あまり公には言えませんが、キリヒト家は暗殺を生業にしていますの。もし消したい人間がいるなら、シオリにご相談くださいまし。 |
Likes |
What kind of thing Shiori likes? Naaaaturally, that'd be Lady Mai! Having said that, Shiori doesn't care even if it's you. If you lay a even a single finger on Lady Mai, you'll get what's coming to you, you understand? |
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シオリの好きなものは、当~~っ然! マイ様ですわ!! いくらあなたといえど、マイ様に手を出したら許しませんからね。 |
Dislikes |
What kind of thing Shiori dislikes? Well, there are things she doesn't care for. You see, there's a special someone that Shiori is passionately in love with, but she's got a truly loathsome rival in love. Oh, she certainly won't allow that, no....! |
Dislikes |
嫌いなもの……あ、苦手なものならあります。シオリの大好きな人を夢中にさせる、憎き恋仇がいるんです。許せませんわ~……! |
Hobby |
Because of her family, Shiori has at least a little bit of knowledge about medicinal herbs. You can leave a menu that will revitalize you up to her. You know what they say, the dose certainly makes the poison. |
Hobby |
家柄上、薬草については少々知識がありますわ。滋養強壮のメニューはシオリに任せてください。……薬と毒は紙一重、と言いますものね。 |