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Command List
Name | Command | |
Normal Input | Alternative Input | |
Drive | ||
Ouroboros ウロボロス UroborosuGerman: Ouroboros French: Ouroboros Spanish: Ouroboros Italian: Ouroboros |
D | H |
Throws a chain out at different angles. | ||
Special | ||
Venom Sword JyabakiGerman: Giftschwert French: Épée venimeuse Spanish: Espada venenosa Italian: Spada velenosa |
↓↘→ + D | → + S |
Unleash a dark aura in front of the character. | ||
Serpent's Benediction JyasetsuGerman: Schlangensegen French: Bénédiction du serpent Spanish: Bendeción de la Serpiente Italian: Benedizione del serpente |
↓↙← + D | S |
Position the character to unleash a variety of attacks. | ||
→ Falling Fang RessengaGerman: → Fallzahn French: → Croc tombant Spanish: → Colmillo descendente Italian: → Zanne calanti |
A after "Serpent's Benediction" | N after "Serpent's Benediction" |
A lunging attack. Cannot be blocked crouching. | ||
→ Rising Fang GashōkyakuGerman: → Steilzahn French: → Croc levé Spanish: → Colmillo ascendente Italian: → Zanne crescenti |
B after "Serpent's Benediction" | H after "Serpent's Benediction" |
An anti-air kick. | ||
→ Devouring Fang ZaneigaGerman: → Reißzahn French: → Croc dévorant Spanish: → Colmillo devorador Italian: → Zanne divoranti |
C after "Serpent's Benediction" | S after "Serpent's Benediction" |
A low swiping attack with knives | ||
→ Serpent's Haste Kamae ChūdanGerman: → Schlangenhast French: → Hâte du serpent Spanish: → Precipitación de la serpiente Italian: → Serpente fulmineo |
D after "Serpent's Benediction" | |
Rest's the character's stance | ||
Wind Serpent's Fang HirentotsuGerman: Wind Schlangenzahn French: Croc du serpent du vent Spanish: Colmillo de la Serpiente de Viento Italian: Zanne del serpente del vento |
↓↙← + B in midair | S in midair (except ↓ + S) |
An axe kick from midair. | ||
Hungry Coils JyakōGerman: Hungrige Spiralen French: Anneaux affamés Spanish: Espirales hambrientes Italian: Spire fameliche |
→↓↘ + D | ↓ + S |
Throws Ouroboros at a 45 degree angle. | ||
Bloody Fangs GasaishōGerman: Blutige Zähne French: Crocs sanglants Spanish: Colmillos sangrientos Italian: Zanne sanguinanti |
↓↘→ + C | |
A command throw that temporarily stuns your opponent. | ||
Distortion Drive | ||
Serpent's Infernal Rapture (uses 50% Heat) Jyayoku HōtenjinGerman: Höllischer Schlangenrausch French: Extase infernale du serpent Spanish: Rapto infernal de la Serpiente Italian: Estasi infernale del serpente |
↓↘→↓↘→ + B | Hold N (uses 50%) |
A powerful kick that sends your opponent flying. | ||
Eternal Coils of the Dragon Serpent (uses 50% Heat) Mizuchi RekkazanGerman: Ewige Spiralen der Drachenschlange French: Anneux éternels du serpent dragon Spanish: Espirales eternas de la serpiente dragón Italian: Spire eterne del drago-serpente |
→↘↓↙ ←→ + C | Hold H (50%) |
Violently slash your opponent after binding them. | ||
Astral Heat | ||
Hungry Darkness of 1000 Souls (uses 100% Heat) Senkon MeirakuGerman: Hungrige Dunkelheit von 1000 Seelen French: Obscurite affamée de 1000 âmes Spanish: Oscuridad hambrienta de las mil almas Italian: Oscurità famelica delle 1000 anime |
↙ →↘↓↙ ←↘ + D | Hold N + H (uses 100%) |
Summons endless upwards chains to attack your opponent. |