Gameplay:Rachel Alucard BBDW Quotes

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Revision as of 17:51, 24 May 2021 by Chao (talk | contribs) (Translated quotes)


Situation Quote Audio
Distortion Drive
Distortion Drive
Astral Heat
Astral Heat


Situation Quote Audio
New Unit I am Rachel Alucard. And you are...someone who has given birth to a new "Possibility," is it? Then I am left with little choice... I'll lend you a hand.
New Unit 私はレイチェル=アルカード。貴方は……新たな『可能性』が生んだ存在、といったところかしら。だったら仕方がないわね……私の力を貸してあげる。
Ascension (SS+) You've shown me quite the interesting play.
Ascension (SS+) 貴方、中々面白い芸を見せてくれるのね
Ascension (SS++) Do you have the resolve to follow me to the end?
Ascension (SS++) 最後まで私についてくる覚悟はできていて?
Ascension (SS+++) To have me go this far...what a handful of a dog you are.
Ascension (SS+++) ここまでさせるなんて、世話の焼ける犬ね
Home Screen
Talk The Alucard family is an ancient clan of vampires. How ancient, you ask? Well, now...even more ancient than you can imagine, perhaps since the primordial times?
Talk アルカード家は古くから続く吸血鬼の一族なの。どれくらい古いのか、ですって?そうね……あなたの想像も及ばない、はるか根源から、かしら。
Likes What am I fond of? Let's see...mille crêpes and financiers...and delicious rose tea. Valkenhayn always prepares the best.
Likes 好きな物?そうね、ミルクレープやフィナンシェ。それに美味しいローズティ。ヴァルケンハインの用意したものが最高ね。
Dislikes What do you plan to do after hearing what I dislike? Well, I suppose if I had to pick something, it would be boredom. Events that repeat endlessly without ever changing for the better are nothing but hollow.
Dislikes 私の嫌いなものを聞いて、一体どうするつもりなのかしら?まぁそうね、あえて言うなら退屈が嫌いよ。変わり映えのしない出来事がただ続くのは、虚しいわ。
Hobby You want to know what I like to pass the time with? Disciplining not it, but rather having languid, relaxing teatimes.
Hobby 私の趣味なんて、わかりきっていることでしょう?犬の躾……ではなくて、ゆったりとくつろげるティータイムよ。