Gameplay:Kagura Mutsuki BBDW Quotes

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Revision as of 14:38, 14 October 2021 by Chao (talk | contribs) (→‎Other: translated quotes)


Situation Quote Audio
Distortion Drive
Distortion Drive
Astral Heat
Astral Heat


Situation Quote Audio
New Unit I'm Kagura Mutsuki, current head of the Mutsuki family at the head of the Duodecim. By the way, does this ship have any cute girls on it? Yeah? Think you could introduce me to any? Just a couple?
New Unit 俺は、十二宗家筆頭ムツキ家の現当主、カグラ=ムツキだ。ところでこの船、カワイ子ちゃんはいるのか? いる? なら紹介してくれよ、ちょっとくらいいいだろ? な?
Ascension (SS+)
Ascension (SS+) 体のキレが段違いだぜ……!
Ascension (SS++) I'll surpass my limits, here and now.
Ascension (SS++) ここで俺の限界を越えてやるよ
Ascension (SS+++) Leave the rest—all of it—to me.
Ascension (SS+++) あとは全部、俺に任せろ
Home Screen
Talk Hibiki's my aide-de-camp, but he's serious to a fault. He's always got something to say, and he's pretty scary when he's mad....But when he's not around, it's like when there's no wind in the something's missing, you know?
Talk 俺の副官はヒビキっていうんだが、これがまた馬鹿がつくほど真面目な奴でね。口うるさいし、怒ると結構怖いし……でも、あいつがいないと張り合いがないっつーか……なんか物足りないんだよなぁ。
Likes Alcohol and women are nice when they're flashier. Both war and politics are so stiff and unsociable, but they let me forget all that and just let go.
Likes 酒と女は華やかでいいねぇ。戦だ政治だとギスギスした世界のことなんざ忘れて、たまにはパーっとやろうや。
Dislikes After this war ends and everything becomes peaceful, I'd like to take the time to really relax and go fishing. When that time comes, what do you think about going with me? We can see which of us gets the biggest catch.
Dislikes この戦が終わって平和な世の中になったら、泊りがけでゆっくり釣りにでも行きたいねぇ。その時はお前さんも一緒にどうだ? どっちが大物をゲットできるか勝負といこうじゃねぇか。
Hobby Swords are nice. When I swing one around, I can forget about everything else. What do you think? Up for a spar?
Hobby 剣はいいぞ。こいつを振っている間は、辛いことも嫌なことも忘れられるんだ。お前さんもどうだ? 俺が稽古をつけてやろうか。