Page values for "File:BlazBlue Continuum Shift Special 008.png"

File on BlazBlue Wiki

"Files" values

1 row is stored for this page
FieldField typeValue
BlazBlue Continuum Shift Special 008.png
CharactersList of String, delimiter: ,Tsubaki Yayoi
LocationsList of String, delimiter: ,
WeaponsList of String, delimiter: ,
CameosList of String, delimiter: ,
SourceList of String, delimiter: ,
ArtistsList of String, delimiter: *
Gallery_SectionsList of String, delimiter: ,Special Artwork

Mikimoto Haruhiko. I must confess, trying to visualize my own self, stuck to my desk (PC?) drawing picture after picture of little girls is...somewhat creepy. However, it's not like there's much else I can do anyway, which is also...equally creepy. Right now I Keep busy the comic-ilization of this series called "Macross."