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Gameplay:Hazama BBDW Quotes

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Solo Actions

Situation Quote Audio
Battle 001
Battle 001


Other, Battle

Situation Quote Audio
Battle 090, Enemy Defeated Ah, hello, anyone alive in there? Oh dear, I overdid it, didn't I?
Battle 090, Enemy Defeated Play Play
Battle 091, Retreating Run away, run away! This just won't do at all!
Battle 091, Retreating Play Play
Battle 092, Victory Congratulations! Truly! Well done!
Battle 092, Victory Play Play

Other, Banter

Situation Quote Audio
Recruitment 100a Oh my, this place- I see,I see. I am Hazama, of the Novus Orbis Librarium's Intelligence Department. Are you, perhaps, my observer?
Recruitment 100a おや、ここは……成程、成程。私、世界虚空情報統制機構諜報部の、ハザマと申します。あなたが私の観測者……ですね? Play
Recruitment 100b, Unused I'm Hazama of the NOL's Intelligence Department... my rank was, ah, what again, exactly?
Recruitment 100b, Unused 私、世界虚空情報統制機構諜報部のハザマと申します。階級は。。。何でしてだけ~ Play
Banter 101 Oh pardon me, was that all?
Banter 101 おや、失礼。 いたのですか? Play
Banter 102 Oh, excuse me, I'm not fond of wandering around. Mind if I tag along?
Banter 102 あーすみません, あまりにも どうでも良かったものですから聞いていませんでした. Play
Banter 103 Yes, yes, what is it? Tell me what you want already; Time's running out~
Banter 103 はいはい, 何でしょう? できれば手短にお願いしますよ, 時間がもったいないですからね. Play
Banter 104, Kagami My my, the life of a corporate drone sure is rough...That woman keeps handing out orders left and right.
Banter 104, Kagami いやはや, 社畜 というのはつらいものですね~ 上司の命令とあらば右へ左へ~ Play Play
Banter 105, Party Building Fighting isn't my specialty. If possible, I'd prefer to remain on the back good, huh?
Banter 105, Party Building Play
Banter 106, Party Building A battle sure is dangerous! Why, the ally standing right behind me may find themselves wrapped up in my chains- isn't that right?
Banter 106, Party Building Play
Banter 107, Player "It hurts, it hurts" you always hear, however... pain certainly varies from person to person...I wonder- What kind of pain *you* feel, hmm?
Banter 107, Player Play Play
Banter 108, Ripper What about your arms and legs? Your stomach- did you tear it open? Is it just covered in scars? No- I'm serious, I'm really curious here!
Banter 108, Ripper  Play Play Play
Banter 109, Player It's worrying, isn't it? Of course- you... shouldn't really rely on me too much for these sorts of things... But, with all those scary things up ahead, all those frightening noises waiting for us... ahh jeez, what am I going to do with you?
Banter 109, Player Play Play
Banter 110, Player Wasting time? Oh, by all means join me, I'd be happy to while away the hours with you chatting- The kind of world that you see, and the reason for why you overflow with power so, I'd love to chat with you about that.
Banter 110, Player Play Play

Other, Advancement

Situation Quote Audio
Advancement 120a Let's go!
Advancement 120a Play
Advancement 120b Let's do it, shall we?
Advancement 120b Play
Advancement 121a Starting now, starting right this very second!
Advancement 121a Play
Advancement 121b I'll show you how serious I can be!
Advancement 121b Play
Advancement 122, Ascension S+ Goodness me, I don't really know what you're expecting of me.
Advancement 122, Ascension S+ やれやれ、私に何を期待しているのやら Play
Advancement 123, Ascension S++ Pardon me, but isn't this already more than enough?
Advancement 123, Ascension S++ あのー、もう充分じゃないですかね? Play
Advancement 124, Ascension Unused MORE work for me? Haven't you already had your fill of working me to the bone!? This is a problem...!
Advancement 124, Ascension Unused Play
Advancement 125a, Ascension S+++ Oh dear, you're trying to work me to death aren't you?
Advancement 125a, Ascension S+++ いやはや、人使いの荒いお人ですねぇ Play
Advancement 125b, Ascension S+++ Unused Well, you've already made quite the investment- I guess it really can't be helped, hm? I'll just have to work hard to pay off this debt~
Advancement 125b, Ascension S+++ Unused Play

Other, Homescreen

Situation Quote Audio
Homescreen 130, Oh? You're coming this way with paperwork in your hands, aren't you?
Homescreen 130, Play
Homescreen 131, Ongoing Event Oh, an event, is it? It certainly sounds fun, doesn't it?
Homescreen 131, Ongoing Event Play
Homescreen 132, Likes AHHH! That- Sublimely white, perfectly smooth, beautiful morsel of food you have there- It's a boiled egg, isn't it!? What about me? You have one of those for me too, don't you!?
Homescreen 132, Likes ああーっ! それは……その白く滑らかな美しい食べ物は、ゆで卵じゃないですか!私のは? 私の分はおありでしょうね!? Play Play
Homescreen 133, Cats Ah- Ah- ACHOO-. Ahh... sorry.. excuse me... do you have cat fur on you? Did you roll around with a cat somewhere, by chance?....ACHOO.
Homescreen 133, Cats Play Play
Homescreen 134, Hobby As a matter of fact- I'm hooked on collecting silver accessories. Here, take a look at this wallet chain. It's very stylish, wouldn't you agree?
Homescreen 134, Hobby 実はシルバーアクセサリーを集めるのに凝っておりまして。ほらどうです、このウォレットチェーンなんて、かっこいいと思いません? Play Play
Homescreen 135, About You don't think I look like an ordinary soldier? How regrettable, you've never seen such an industrious and diligent soldier as myself before, hm?
Homescreen 135, About 私がただの衛士に見えないですって? 心外ですねぇ、私ほど勤勉で真面目な衛士はそうそういませんよ? Play
Homescreen 136, Dislikes If it's not too much trouble, would you please take care to mind the temperature in your room? If you make it too cold, why, I might just go into hibernation.
Homescreen 136, Dislikes 部屋の温度調節は、しっかりとお願いしますよ。あんまり寒いと私、冬眠してしまうかもしれませんから。 Play
Homescreen 137, Dislikes, Unused
Homescreen 137, Dislikes, Unused Play Play
Homescreen 138, Oh my, you certainly are...dilligent
Homescreen 138, Play
Homescreen 139, Login Bonus As expected, you're here for a real festival!
Homescreen 139, Login Bonus Play

Other, Holiday

Situation Quote Audio
Holiday 140, Holiday Login Bonus It's a bonus? An enviable little thing.
Holiday 140, Holiday Login Bonus ボナスですか? 羨ましいことです~ Play
Holiday 141, Birthday, Player Ehhhhhhh? It's your birthday? Well, that certainly is something to celebrate~
Holiday 141, Birthday, Player あなたの誕生日?へぇーーーー、それはそれはお目出度いことです~ Play
Holiday 142, Birthday, Character Ah, my birthday? Well it certainly is. Ah, thank you..... .... are you satisfied yet?
Holiday 142, Birthday, Character 私の誕生日ですか? はぁー、それはどうも。。。ありがとうございます。。。。御満足ですか? Play
Holiday 143, New Years Congratulations to a new year! I hope that for the next year as well, you'll make use of me.
Holiday 143, New Years Play
Holiday 144, Black Beast Slaying Day Oh today certainly is an auspicious day- Why's that? Because it's the day the Black Beast was slain! The arrival of those heroes is certainly fantastic, no?
Holiday 144, Black Beast Slaying Day Play Play
Holiday 145, Valentines Valentines? Ah- I do know of it. It's the day where you hand out lots of chocolate, and everyone says thanks, right? I also will happily partake.
Holiday 145, Valentines バレンタインですか? あー、知ていますよ。 日ごろのお礼だ何で言って、 点数がすぎチョコレイトを配るでしょ? 私もよくいただきます。 Play Play
Holiday 146, White Day I haven't given a single thought to your return present for White Day~! In the first place, would you... even be happy accepting food I made?
Holiday 146, White Day ホワイトデーのお返しを考えてことはありませんよ~ そもそも、あなたは。。。。私から食べ物をもらって嬉しいですか? Play Play
Holiday 147, April Fools
Holiday 147, April Fools Play Play Play
Holiday 148
Holiday 148 Play
Holiday 149
Holiday 149 Play
Holiday 150, Christmas
Holiday 150, Christmas Play
Holiday 151, New Year's Eve
Holiday 151, New Year's Eve Play
Holiday 152, Appearance of the Black Beast
Holiday 152, Appearance of the Black Beast Play

Other, Other Characters

Situation Quote Audio
Gossip 300, Terumi
Gossip 300, Terumi Play Play Play
Gossip 301, Susanoo
Gossip 301, Susanoo Play Play
Gossip 302, Seishintai Terumi
Gossip 302, Seishintai Terumi Play Play Play
Gossip 303, Kazuma Kval
Gossip 303, Kazuma Kval Play Play
Gossip 304, Relius Clover
Gossip 304, Relius Clover Play Play