Situation |
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New Unit |
Oh? This is... I see. This is that sort of place. There may even be something here that can help with my research. Ah. I am Relius Clover. Tell me about the situation. I'll lend you my strength and cooperate with you. In exchange, compensate me accordingly. |
New Unit |
ほう、ここは……なるほど、そういう場か。私の研究に使えるものも、あるかもしれんな。ああ、私はレリウス=クローバー。事情をうかがおう。そして力になれるのなら、協力してやる。その代わり、十分な対価を要求する。 |
Ascension (SS+) |
Thank you for assisting me in my research. Now, then, on to the next one. |
Ascension (SS+) |
研究への協力に感謝する。さて、では次だな |
Ascension (SS++) |
This phenomenon really is most curious. |
Ascension (SS++) |
やはりこの現象、興味深い |
Ascension (SS+++) |
I have Observed the most valuable one. |
Ascension (SS+++) |
貴重なものを『観測』させてもらった |
Home Screen |
Talk |
This facility is fascinating. It contains technology that can even assist in my own research. I must first look into this myself, as much as possible. |
Talk |
この施設は興味深いな。私の研究に応用できる技術がありそうだ。まずは隅々まで、見学させてもらうとしよう。 |
Likes |
I would like to go out and do some observation for once, as a change of pace. An opera will do nicely. A meaningful way to spend time until it's time to continue the experiment. |
Likes |
気晴らしに観劇にでも出かけたいところだ。オペラがいい。研究の次に有意義な時間と言える。 |
Dislikes |
...Disorderly shelves. At the very least, order the books alphabetically by the author's surname and split them by genre. |
Dislikes |
……乱雑な本棚だ。せめて作者の名前かジャンルで分けろ。 |
Hobby |
The other day, a cartload of tankards came in for my research, but they were more fragile than I thought. After only two or three experiments, they would become completely unusable. Should I order another batch, or look for another solution? |
Hobby |
先日研究のためにタンカーを一艘購入したんだが、あれは思いの他に脆いな。2,3回の実験で、使い物にならなくなってしまった。もう一艘買うべきか、別の方法を模索するべきか……。 |