
From BlazBlue Wiki

This property is a property of images that have captions and has the type String.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
"↑ Simplified into one dot. The dot uses the 2P orientation."  +
"① Ponytail. ← This side is not actually depicted. ② Turn it while twisting to form a wheel. ③ Bring the tip of the hair through the loop to form a knot. ④ Stick the hairpin through to fix it. (Below) The dot uses the 2P orientation.  +
"2P orientation's data. ← Please tie the sash somewhat like a woman's. (As if to make the silhouette slimmer)"  +
"Lining (red to black). Hairpin (gold) (same color as accents on cloth). Apron (purple). Inner [sole] (black). Raiment (white to pink). Hem (pink to red). Decoration (green). Cloth tex[ture]. Hem tex[ture]."  +
"Wrap the obi. Middle of the back. → Pull the purple apron through the front of the obi. ↓ Jam → Wrap the raiment. → Bring the apron down and finish."  +
"(on left) Same colors as Amane. (below the twins) Inner lining is the same color for both."  +
2010. Asano. ''<pre style="background: inherit; border: 0; display:inline; font-family:inherit; margin: 0; padding:0;">What you h ve on Ara 's bir day? A live person's birth , the day A kune transf med, gratulations.</pre>''<br>Included message:<br>''It's finally arrived this year!! Arakune's birthday?? Really? Is it really??? ...Very soon, Hakumen's birthday illustration and others will also...''<br>''Arc System Works "BLAZBLUE" Producer: TOSHIMICHI MORI''  +
2011. Tengu. ''Receiving presents, celebrating with a rifle salute, Arakune is, satisfied.''<br>Included message:<br>''Good day everyone, it's Mori. It's the beloved Arakune. ...I think this every year, but... Is this guy's birthday really today?''<br>''Arc System Works "BLAZBLUE" Producer: Toshimichi Mori''  +
2009. Tashiro. ''<pre style="background: inherit; border: 0; display:inline; font-family:inherit; margin: 0; padding:0;">C gr ions! So, h w old do s that m ke you....?</pre>''  +
2009. Yoshida. ''<pre style="background: inherit; border: 0; display:inline; font-family:inherit; margin: 0; padding:0;">Arakune, H ppy irthday! Having April Fool' as your birthday s ems like a joke. nd yet!</pre>''<br/>Included message:<br>'''''Today is Arakune's birthday.'''''<br>''Eh!? Today was Arakune's birthday!!?? Seriously this is the first time I've heard it. Dad's even surprised.''<br>''Arc System Works "BLAZBLUE" Director: Mori Toshimichi''  +
"Lying squigglies will be punished by Tao, meow!"<br/>2009. ''<pre style="background: inherit; border: 0; display:inline; font-family:inherit; margin: 0; padding:0;">Bir days and perpetuity are things to celebrated. But me it's useless useless useless useless! (Mori)</pre>''  +
2018. ''Today is Arakune's birthday! And today is also April Fool's! It's important to seek knowledge like Arakune, but just for today, be careful of false information!''  +
2018. ''And so, from one of our company's designers, we present an illustration to celebrate Arakune's birthday! Everyone, please celebrate with us!''  +
2018. ''Today is Azrael's birthday! Azrael normally hungers for battles against strong opponents; this, combined with his absurd strength, earned him the names "Mad Dog" and "Deathbringer"! At the end of this month, there will be a Halloween Event that can satisfy even Azrael! It's currently accepting registrations!''  +
2018. ''And from a designer, we have an illustration of Azrael! This is the pressure and extreme intimidation of an overwhelmingly strong opponent that Ragna and the others had to face! I wonder just what kind of worthy opponent is reflected in those eyes.... Please celebrate with us!''  +
It would be nice if these two could play an active part... Small text: They do though.<br><b></b> MORI Toshimichi. <i>The appeal from working hard every day... we're working on it, working on it!</i>  +
<b></b> MORI Toshimichi. <i>We're also working hard here to make it, so please...</i>  +
I'll obliterate the dark.<br><b></b> MORI Toshimichi. <i>Angered</i>  +
<b></b> MORI Toshimichi. <i>There should only be a little bit of wait left...</i>  +