Page values for "File:BlazBlue Makoto Nanaya Birthday 03.png"

File on BlazBlue Wiki

"Files" values

1 row is stored for this page
FieldField typeValue
BlazBlue Makoto Nanaya Birthday 03.png
CharactersList of String, delimiter: ,Makoto Nanaya
LocationsList of String, delimiter: ,
WeaponsList of String, delimiter: ,
CameosList of String, delimiter: ,
SourceList of String, delimiter: ,
ArtistsList of String, delimiter: *Arima, Nanasuke
Gallery_SectionsList of String, delimiter: ,Birthday Art

2011. Nanasuke Arima. The flower for birthdays on 4/2 is Reeve's spiraea (小手毬 Kodemari, "Spiraea cantoniensis"). In the language of flowers, it stands for "friendship," "perseverance," and so on, and fits Makoto perfectly, doesn't it. I hope that she may always be able to remain smiling. Happy birthday!
Included message:
Everyone, it's been a while...even though it's only been a day. Makoto!! All sorts of congratulations! A celebration for becoming officially playable!!
Arc System Works "BLAZBLUE" Producer: Toshimichi Mori