Gameplay:Taokaka BBCF

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Taokaka is a speed type character who toys with her opponent, with the most mobility out of the whole BlazBlue cast. With high mobility comes hectic controls, though.

Taokaka can jump 3 times, and midair dash 2 times. Just keep in mind that her jumps, midair dashes, and Drive ability "Dancing Edge" move counts are shared. At mid-range, Standing C and Jump C are useful for control space. When you want to close Distance, from Standing C go into Cat Jump!, or jump cancel into a jumping attack. If Cat Jump! → Jump A → Jump C is standing guarded, if the opponent crouch guards, a double jump C will hit. Even without Cat Jump! if jumping C is low guarded, you can create the same conditions. Learning this will greatly increase your fighting abilities.

When close, hit the opponent with a Crouching A → Standing B, or Standing B → Standing A → Standing B. Then, use a normal throw or the middle attack → + B to shake up their guard. → + B can be used while avoiding low-level attacks or normal throws. By connecting → + B → Cat Spirit Two!, Taokaka is able to move earlier than a guarding opponent, so try to connect these attacks at all times.

When the opponent closes in from the air, meet them with → + A or Jump A or Jump B. Taokaka's 🡖 crawl can go under opponents' jumping attacks, making it another solid option. When the enemy gets too close, Cat Person's Secret Art: Hexa-Edge is a reliable move. If you don't have Heat Gauge, use a barrier to create space, then use a back jump or back step to retreat to a safe distance.[1]

Command List


  1. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Tutorial Mode, Character Specifics, Taokaka - Lesson 03 - Strategy Lessons