Kaka Kittens

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Taokaka with the Kaka Kittens

The Kaka Kittens refer to a pair of juvenile Kakas. The live in their hometown, the Lost Town which is located in the 13th Hierarchical City of Kagutsuchi. Usually, they are seen lounging around the town, or clinging to Ragna the Bloodedge whenever he visits.


The Kaka Kittens share many similar characteristics with Taokaka, as they are from the same race. They are dressed in the same cream-colored hoodie, with yellow cat ears at the top and two large sleeves, and their faces are engulfed in the shadows of their hoods, their glowing, ruby red eyes and mouths being the only visible feature. Their tails are noticeably shorter than that of Taokaka, most likely due to them being in their early age.