
From BlazBlue Wiki
"My 'dream' is to 'know.' Even I wish to know... The pain and suffering of others! Hahahaha..."

<tabs plain style="position:relative; width:320px; min-height:440px;" container="position:absolute;bottom:0;left:10"><tab name="BBTAG">BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Hazama Main.png</tab><tab name="BBCF (A)">BlazBlue Central Fiction Hazama Main(A).png</tab><tab name="BBCF (B)">BlazBlue Central Fiction Hazama Main(B).png</tab><tab name="BBCP (A)">BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma Hazama Main(A).png</tab><tab name="BBCP (B)">BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma Hazama Main(B).png</tab><tab name="BBCS (A)">BlazBlue Continuum Shift Hazama Main(A).png</tab><tab name="BBCS (B)">BlazBlue Continuum Shift Hazama Main(B).png</tab></tabs>




April 29th



Voice Actors

Yuichi Nakamura (Japanese)
Erik Davies (English, CT-CS2)
Spike Spencer (English, CS2 Additional Scene)
Doug Erholtz (English, CSEX-TAG)

Blood Type



183 cm



Hair Color


Eye Color







Boiled Eggs




Collecting Silver Accessories


Novus Orbis Librarium

Character Titles

Corporal Honoka (ホノカ伍長)
Shadowy Serpent Fang [1]

Character Themes

Gluttony Fang, II, LA
Nightmare Fiction, II
Endless Despair, II, LA


BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger (non playable)
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift (playable)
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II (playable)
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (playable)
BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma (playable)
BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Extend (playable)
BlazBlue: Central Fiction (playable)
BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle (playable)


BlazBlue: Remix Heart
BlazBlue: Variable Heart BlazBlue
BlazBlue: Chimelical Complex


BlazBlue: Phase Shift 1
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger - Part 1
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger - Part 2
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift - Part 1
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift - Part 2
BlazBlue: Spiral Shift – Hero of the Frozen Blade

Short Stories

an evil sign

Drama CDs

Blazblue: The Wheel of Fortune

Hazama (ハザマ), also known as Corporal Honoka (ホノカ伍長), was a Captain of the Novus Orbis Librarium. He was the former vessel of Yuuki Terumi, created by Relius Clover, and a former wielder of the Nox Nyctores - Geminus Anguium: Ouroboros. Hazama is an Blue Grimoire who seeks nothing but pain as it is something he cannot truly feel.


Hazama is a tall, thin man similar in terms of physical appearance to Yuuki Terumi’s human form. He has narrow eyes which appear as if they are permanently shut, and short green hair which he wears in a bowl cut. He is almost universally seen with a suspicious smile on his face. Hazama’s clothing consists of a dress suit with two brown belts and a wallet chain, a long black coat with two large golden buckles on it, and a matching black fedora. He also wears steel-toed shoes (in which he hides his butterfly knives) and a pair of brown fingerless gloves.

When Terumi takes full control of his body (paired with removing his hat and tie), Hazama’s hair spikes up to match Terumi’s human form, and his eyes open to reveal a snakelike appearance. Hazama is still able to take on this appearance even after he becomes a separate person from Terumi in Central Fiction.

Due to his nature as an artificial human, Hazama’s body is hollow on the inside, as seen through the hole that Platinum the Trinity made in his chest. Despite this, he is capable of performing normal human functions such as breathing and eating food.


At first glance, the man looks like a reserved and weak-willed young man. He is constantly smiling and is well-mannered to almost everyone, but in reality, he could care less about anything that doesn't involve his mission.[2][3]

Initially, Hazama appears as a courteous man who is solely focused on his mission and manners. He addresses everyone with the appropriate honorifics, has a sense of humor, and maintains a professional courtesy at all times. His facade, however, belies the personality of a sadistic monster. Every word that comes from his mouth drips with poison designed to turn friends against each other, and he seemingly takes joy in mocking his opponents and even allies at every turn. Subtlety is his strong suit, and he relishes in making others experience pain.

In some instances, it appears that Hazama is rather weak-willed; he will follow the orders of his superiors with little whim, using his blades and Ouroboros in their service. To others, however, Hazama will use every trick at his disposal to manipulate someone, always grinning even as he issues orders for those under his command to murder their friends. He has no qualms about murdering hundreds of people, especially those who trust him, and the exact toll of those he has killed under his command is unknown. Even though he wields a Nox Nyctores, Hazama has not been suffering from any adverse mental side-effects.

Hazama does not understand pain or other human emotions, and it is his wish as one of the chosen to inflict pain across the population as well as truly experience it himself. The sheer thrill from being hurt is enough to send him into throes of joy.[4] In his desperate attempts to understand others, Hazama has tortured others, not discriminating between targets.[5] Unlike Terumi, Hazama is rarely vulgar and rarer still allows his mask of an NOL captain to slip, but the times when he does are the most terrifying.

In his own time, Hazama enjoys eating whole boiled eggs and collecting silver accessories. He is deathly allergic to cats, cat-beastkin, and the Kaka, and does his best to avoid them for his own health.

Powers and Abilities

Despite his appearance being that of a slender and weak man, Hazama is far stronger than what his physical appearance suggests. He wields two balisong with a deadly precision, keeping both of them hidden from opponents until they are close enough for him to strike. He also has various throwing knives, smoke bombs[6], and shoe knives hidden in his heels. Like Terumi, Hazama appears to also be capable of creating green energy to fight. Throughout a battle, Hazama toys with his opponents, moving in a manner similar to dancing

As he wields the Geminus Anguium: Ouroboros, Hazama has the ability to use its chains in battle. He can quickly swing himself across the battlefield using the chains, becoming a difficult target to hit. This is reflected in gameplay, where his Drive is {h|Ouroboros}}, and by throwing out the Nox, he can use it propel himself across the screen to fight, being a highly agile and difficult to hit opponent. Hazama also uses Ouroboros to ensnare opponents, constricting them and being able to lift them far above the ground with minimal effort. He can summon it at any time he desires, and is also capable of employing strong Ars Magus in battle. Ouroboros' snare is so strong that not even Iron Tager can break free from its grasp[7] and the Nox has the ability to stir the emotions and memories of those in its grip.[8]

Hazama is unique as he is a living Grimoire, specifically a Blue Grimoire. He is able to directly access the Boundary similar to a cauldron and the Azure Grimoire, and employ seithr to directly strengthen himself, his Ars Magus, and Ouroboros. Hazama is also able to fuse with a Boundary Interface Prime Field Device and become a Kusanagi or a Black Beast, but neither has happened.

Owing to his nature as a master manipulator, Hazama is a cunning tactician and, despite all his strengths, does not like fighting, often leaving others to do it in his stead. As he was usually sharing his body with Terumi, the two could switch at a moment's notice, changing tactics and fighting styles, but this is no longer the case as they have separated.

Library Entry


A Captain in the NOL’s Intelligence Department, codenamed Hazama.

His constant gentle expression makes it difficult to grasp his true intentions. He avoids confrontation, always bowing and giving way to whomever he speaks, but that does not mean he’s a pushover. It would not be an understatement to say his schemes have schemes of their own, and seldom will his plans fail.

His true identity is in fact one of the Six Heroes who defeated the Black Beast, Yuuki Terumi. Terumi is a violent, inhumane character, who finds pleasure in watching others suffer.

The current vessel, ‘Hazama’ is Relius’s creation during the Dark War.

He plotted to use the Sword of the Godslayer, Kusanagi to destroy the Master Unit in Kagutsuchi, but is stopped by Ragna. Finding the silver lining in his mission’s failure, however, he seizes the Takamagahara that once controlled him.

Once again, he plots to bring the Master Unit down to earth, and destroy it, so he heads for Ikaruga. Together with Relius, he operates in the shadows, under the Imperator’s watchful eye and guidance.

While he succeeds in bringing down v-No.13- to the mortal realm, Trinity Glassfille sacrifices herself to impede his progress. He falls into a lake in the Ruins of Ibukido, and is henceforth never heard from again.[9]

Appearances in other Media



  1. BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Character Introduction Trailer #2
  2. BlazBlue: Central Fiction Consumer Edition Official Site (JP), Hazama
  3. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Official Site (EU), Character - Hazama
  4. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Story Mode, Episode 008, Chapter 062
  5. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Story Mode, Episode 011, Chapter 094
  6. BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger - Part 2, Chapter 3 - False Hero
  7. BlazBlue: Continuum Shift, Story Mode, Iron Tager - loyalty, Bad Ending
  8. BlazBlue: Continuum Shift, Teach Me, Miss Litchi! Episode 5 - Ars Armagus? Nox Nyctores? What the?
  9. BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Library Mode, Character #015